The Teen Years
Eighth grade graduation.
From the left: Joanna, me, Shane, Melissa, Andrea
Hehe..... this pic is pretty
self explanatory.
From the left: Me, Hilda, Amy
That's joanna on the left, and me on the right.
Don't ask me what the hell we were doing.
My sister Amy and me, being goofy.
Any requests?
That's my baby brother, Greg.
He towers over me now.
Can you believe I was in 9th
grade here? I look about 10.
Yeah i'm tough.
This is my little baby nephew, Scottie...
what a cutie!
Yes, I was always a dork.
See nobody can keep their
hands off me ;)
That's Tammy and me, we were painting my sister's shed.
My nephew, Scottie, again.
10th Grade
Christmas dance, here I come!
Too bad I don't remember who my date was.
This is a classic.
From the left: Susan, Allison, Jenny, Holly, me
Tammy and me, I believe this was from homecoming...
and I remember who I went with =P
My mommy and my daddy and me =)
I'm on the left, with my bud Holly =)
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