Prophetic Truths, Wisdom
& Encouragement

as spoken to His Messenger and delivered unto you

"It Is A New Day....Come",
Saith The Lord
August 29th, 2005

August 29th, 2005


In the early morning hours (between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. in Indiana 08/29/05) as everyone was
waiting for the hurricane to hit New Orleans, the Lord spoke to me at length about what was going on.
He talked to me about their sin: the occult, sexual perversion, witchcraft, voodoo, etc. And yet He gave
me absolutely no sense of the "catastrophic" that the experts were calling for (which is originally what
caught my eye about this event because I am always aware of what God is doing in the earth...things with
the "potential to be" or declaired to be "the first/worst in history" - this time a major hurricane/storm...
signs of the last days that we are in). Holy Spirit did not lead me to stay awake to pray with any great
fervor but instead had me decree "THE WILL OF ALMIGHTY GOD BE DONE".

Later the same day (still this day - 08-29-05) the Lord showed me how the storm, projected to go
one way - which would have been worse for Louisiana, instead turned in the other direction at
the very last moment. This, He proclaimed, was due to the prayers of the saints in New Orleans -
His remnant of faithful believers, standing fast in the promises of God.

He then spoke this to me on their behalf:

"Yes, the water came...yes, My winds blew", saith God, but you were not destroyed. Even man's
chosen shelter for safe haven (note: Superdome) was NOT as safe as "man" had hoped.
I AM Your shelter in the midst of the storm.
I AM your strong tower", says the Lord.
"My light outshines the darkness and will judge all areas of darkness throughout the earth. For nothing
secret shall remain hidden in this hour. Even the sinful ways on such a grand scale in New Orleans is thought
to go unnoticed," says the Lord. "But, O, how I see. NEVER believe that wicked deceiver who slithers in and out of
your garden. He comes to destroy but I come to offer you new hope, new life. It is a new day for New Orleans -
embrace Your Saviour! Embrace Your Redeemer! I wish that NONE would perish," saith God. "Come all who are
weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Let me wash you with the water of My Word. Let me clothe
you in bright new rainment. This is a new day," saith the Lord God of Hosts. "COME".

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear...

Spoken to His Messenger
08/29/05 @ 2:00 a.m.

Copyright © Jesus Christ 2005. All rights as He would permit!