February 18th, 2007
4:00 PM - 4:35 PM
I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I pray the Lord has shown you His hand in the "Exhortations From The Father" that He has me post daily - truly those individual words are meat and only those truly hungering after His heart will receive these words.
So many of you proclaim that you want to do things His way. So many of you proclaim that you only want His truth. TRULY this is not so...I cannot express how many times He has sent even me, His Messenger, into the midst of the congregation, both as Seer and Prophet, showing me all things He would accomplish for His Glory and yet YOU DO NOT EMBRACE/RECEIVE THE TRUTH! You cannot continue to ask God for all things Righteous and Holy and Just and True if you are determined to continue seeking applause, continue to seek accolades, continue to do things your way and not His way...
Many of you will say, "Oh I want God - I want all things God" but YOU DO NOT! NO COMPROMISE means NONE. You cannot be clinging to any parts of this world and flesh and evil and then proclaim "I AM PASTOR SO-IN-SO". EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO is a message. You represent HIM - you are the HIM that the people see. If you would set aside PRIDE and FLESH for a moment and allow Holy Spirit to truly REVEAL all things to you - you may be quite suprised just how much flesh is coming from your pulpit.
BEYOND the pulpit YOU STILL REPRESENT HIM IN YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE. Every moment you arise and put one foot on the floor is another day the Lord has ordained for you to walk for HIS GLORY and not your own. YOU must have NO THOUGHTS. YOU must have NO IDEAS. YOU must have NO OPINIONS. YOU must have NO PLANS. What could have POSSIBLY GIVEN YOU THE IDEA THAT ANY OF THIS IS ABOUT YOU? You are not only to have died so that you are no more and it is ALL CHRIST JESUS but also YOU ARE TO HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST; you are to ONLY SPEAK THAT WHICH YOU HEAR THE FATHER SPEAKING; you are to ONLY DO THAT WHICH YOU SEE THE FATHER DOING.
YOU were bought with a price. You do not HAVE to do it His way - you have free will. BUT if you are NOT going to do it His way - STEP DOWN until you either die completely to self and surrender, or if you choose not to then tell the Lord you do NOT want to do things His way, and to please put someone HE CAN TRUST over His flock! Because if you are not willing to do it 100 percent His way, that person who belongs in the pulpit is not you. But truly YOU CANNOT CONTINUE TO SAY "I WANT YOU - I SURRENDER" but not do so. The time is NOW - right now - to decide.
This message is LONG OVERDUE - and you can either GET OFFENDED or you can GET TRUTH. His word is SHARP. He did not come to bring peace but a SWORD!
This is that which the Lord spoke via Glenn H. Jackson today, which confirms that which He has commanded me to speak above:
+ Quite frankly, if I sent My holy apostles and prophets to "certain" pastors they (the pastors) would only be moved to "argue" with them concerning the absolute truth that they put forth or, at the very least, they would "attempt" to "drag them down" to their level in order that they might find "common" ground. But truly I say to you, I will not have that! And I shall only lead those pastors to them who have "cried out" to Me from a heart wholly given to receive the "fulness" of their inheritance in Christ. And in that time they shall become immersed in the light of My absolute Truth and they shall immediately begin to "see" all that is necessary for them to walk in the "fulness" of the ministry I have called them to. And they shall become "partners in covenant" with My holy apostles and prophets, and thus shall the "local Church" be established according to My will and great power shall go forth to set the captives free and the flames of holiness. And My perfect love shall "draw" the "lost", and truly I say to you, they shall be "found" to be walking immediately in all that I have for them day to day. Because of these things their light [revelation] shall increase from day to day and thus, the "flow" of the anointing abiding within them shall increase continually and many true spiritul environments shall begin to arise in the midst of My people - throughout the earth.
HIS ways are not our ways. There is a path of TOTAL righteousness. You do NOT have to compromise. You do NOT have to promote you or your family or your people or your anything. There is absolutely NOTHING about you that is eternal - only HIM.
I PRAY you have ears to hear what His Spirit is saying in this hour...for HOW MUCH LONGER DO YOU THINK HE WILL CONTINUE TO ALLOW THESE THINGS IN HIS PULPIT, BEFORE HIS FLOCK?
Truly I say unto you - NOT MUCH (LONGER)....
As The Lord Speaks
via His Messenger
February 18th, 2007
4:00 P.M. - 4:35 P.M.
Dee Hoetmer
20th February 2007
Dan 5:25 And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, you have been weighed in the balances O My church and have been found wanting. Have I not spoken through My prophets and warned and warned My church of the coming floods of destruction if you do not turn YOUR WHOLE HEARTS TO ME. The floods are coming and you will be washed away; you will not stand for you have not made the Rock your foundation.
You have made your religious ideologies your foundation, you have made your religious strategies your foundation. I tell you in My Word that you are to have no other gods before Me, yet you have made your belief system; your church ideology your god before Me.
I have desired since before time began and the earth was, to have a people made in Our image with whom to have fellowship, with whom We could walk and talk in the cool of the evening, but you My church have gone a whoring after other gods. You do what seems good unto you to do and not all of your works are bad but they are dead if they are not prompted and ordained by Me. All works done outside of the unction of My Spirit are dead works and do not bear fruit for eternity
What, am I, the Almighty creator of the earth and all its fullness, AM I IN NEED OF MAN TO SERVE ME? NO! I NEED YEILDED VESSELS, DEAD TO SELF, through which I can pour My Spirit to a lost and dying world, decaying under the law of sin and death until I reverse those laws through My co-laborers, My truly anointed ones, the very ones you have rejected till now.
I will have no more of your idolatry, I will have no more of your fleshly, carnal programs of entertainment, your luke warm worship and your running My church as you see fit. It is My church, it is My Body and I am coming to claim her back; I am coming to purge her with fire, some with the white hot fire of My love and some with judgment that they may change their ways. Many that refuse the working of My Spirit will be removed, some will even sleep the sleep of death.
Suddenly I will come upon you O church, suddenly I will come upon you and as My son drove out the money changers, so will I come and clean out My house, My church.
Joh 2:13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15 AND WHEN HE HAD MADE A SCOURGE OF SMALL CORDS, HE DROVE THEM ALL OUT OF THE TEMPLE, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;
There were many seemingly pious, religious and well studied people then too and yet they did not truly know Me and they crucified the Sent One. Yet all the while they thought they knew it all, were well versed in the Scriptures and were the leaders of men and yet I spat them out as I will do those who do not bend their knee to Me and seek true relationship and intimacy with My Son.
All your programs, all your strategies, all your man made ideologies do not count one bit with Me, it is intimacy I require and worship with your WHOLE heart, mind and spirit. THIS IS WHAT I REQUIRE O CHURCH, THIS IS WHAT I REQUIRE, REPENT QUICKLY THEREFORE AND BEND THE KNEE TO ME THAT I MAY KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL THAT IS COMING TO TRY THE WHOLE EARTH.
Father God
*An ideology is a set of principles and ideals that forms the basis of a political or economic system or theory.