April 24th, 2007 1:14 A.M.
Shared by the Lord at 1:14 A.M. on April 24th, 2007
Several months ago the Lord showed me a revelation of time...it was a "wow" eye-opening revelation...that we are living one big long day. It doesn't matter that our worldly system breaks it up into days, weeks, months, years or even seconds; it doesn't matter if you go to sleep, get up, go to sleep, get up... He showed me that IT IS ONE BIG LONG DAY - IT IS THE THIRD DAY SINCE JESUS' CRUCIFIXION/BURIAL/RESURRECTION! In the Spirit realm - we can live between heaven and earth because we are NOT FROM THIS EARTH...you can catch this, beloved....time without time....
Get a revelation brethren-one thousand years is as a day-one day-one long long day...
1 A.D. - 1000 A.D. = Day 1
1001 A.D. - 2000 A.D. = Day 2
2001 - present = DAY 3
It is NOT to share with you the revelation of the actual third day - that has already been accomplished. It is a paradigm shift - a realization of NO TIME - time without time in Him - time before the foundation of the earth and time now =
NO LIMITATIONS - it allows for perfect patience when you are in His perfect will because it is THE SAME DAY.
Take yourself out of time - worldly time - it's like unplugging yourself from the matrix
It is not being hindered by - limited by - suppressed by- time or any limitations of time et all (1:21 A.M.)
The Lord says some of you will get this and some of you will not.
Do not be down-trodden, upset if you do not - it will just illuminate that you need to spend more time in His presence. The longer you submit to His glory, the more revelation you will grasp-catch-receive-understand.(1:23 A.M.)
Spoken to His Messenger
April 24, 2007 @ 1:14 A.M.