Received from the Lord: YEARS AGO
Permission To Post Publicly: March 4th, 2007
Posted Here: March 16th, 2007 11:11 P.M.
(NOTE: The Lord gave this to me awhile ago - would only allow me to post it publicly now...His Messenger)
When the Lord first released me to begin ministering publicly (on a small scale because for the most part I am STILL hidden until THE TIME He has determined) there was something that He began to show me - and that was the state of Christian marriages.
Let me say clearly that I am not "for" or "against" marriage - I am FOR GOD'S PERFECT WILL IN EACH AND EVERY BELIEVER'S SPECIFIC WALK WITH HIM. Truly marriage is something that God designed in the beginning of all things; however there is also much to be said for being SINGLE and intimate with Jesus on a one-on-one basis. For me it is my calling to be single for I am married to Christ Jesus already (and betrothed as well to Him - mystery of the Kingdom and it is between Him and I). I am NOT anti-marriage - for truly each individual MUST WALK ACCORDING TO GOD'S PERFECT WILL FOR THEIR LIFE WITHOUT COMPROMISE - it is not now nor was it ever our decision (up to any of us to decide) for or against being married. It is up to the Lord of our lives, for He bought us with a price and we truly are not our own.
One of the deepest concerns I've had (even for several who are wanting to co-labor with me in the Lord's work) has been the state of your marriages. Specifically how (much of the time but certainly not always) there tends to be one spouse who is a strong believer and one who is not. Oftentimes the one who is not once WAS walking with Christ but something happened along the way where they became luke warm or backslidden or into sin (all the same thing), and even some became jealous as their spouse grew closer to Jesus and they did not, so they used that an excuse to stop trying for themselves.
Whatever "it" is that is keeping one partner from growing in God (whether at the same pace or even at all), this then makes their marriage unequally yoked.
The Bible said that two cannot walk together unless they are agreed.
Amos 3:3
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
This that the Lord has shown me may SEEM it is for the strong wife w/unbelieving husband (or backslidden, whatever is making him NOT on the same page with God's will and your walk together as one), that man out there with the backslidden wife, you can gleen wisdom from this as well.
For the women, His word proclaims,
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
For the strong women of God who have thought they were honoring God by submitting to a backslidden/sinful/unbelieving/walking in the flesh husband, the Lord said that you have been deceived. This scripture about wives submitting to your husbands...HAS BEEN TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT...
What the Bible says is that you CAN be married to an unbeliever but ONLY IF they do not keep you from God's perfect will. BUT when God says you personally are to do or not do specific things, then whether or not the spouse likes it, you have to do the things GOD has asked of you. For when you stand in front of the Lord at the end judgment, He will not accept any excuses (ex: "but my husband...." or "I couldn't..." or "there are things that are beyond my control...") Even saying "the Lord will honor my being submissive to husband's authority" is not true and the Lord says unto you this day, "NO I WILL NOT" -- not when that authority is NOT OF GOD!
Do you understand, beloved, that when your spouse is walking in the flesh that that is sin? That God does not respond to things of the flesh? Does not BLESS things of the flesh? That when a person is walking in the flesh they do not hear God? Thus any and all submission unto a person walking in/of the flesh is the same as submitting to the enemy. If one is not FOR God they are AGAINST God. And this is a harsh thing to hear about your "other half" but it is (in this case as explained in this truth) the condition they are in AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME. Whether you like to hear it or not, when you then submit to them, turning your back on something GOD has told you to do, you are submitting to rebellion and the enemy.
GOD NEVER MEANT FOR ANY BELIEVER TO BE YOLKED WITH AN UNBELIEVER. Therefore when He speaks "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as you would to me" is for the couple that are BOTH STRONG IN HIM. "As unto the Lord" who is righteous and in whom there is no sin.
All of these sorts of compromises/excuses are unacceptable to God. And this is why many of you are not growing in certain areas with Him because you do not put Him first above ALL including your spouse.
Matthew 10:34
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
Bottom line: the believer is NOT ALLOWED to compromise the things of God for the sake of the unbelieving/backslidden/compromising/spouse. That is submitting to the devil when you do things that are out of God's perfect will and there is no excuse before God to do so.
I have known this for a long time but I have never heard anyone else preach it. I do not look to man for confirmation of the things that God speaks to me but it is wisdom to seek counsel and also the Lord told me to "WAIT"; therefore Sunday 03-04-07 when I went to pray with my co-laborer Lillian, the Lord told me to tell HER that which He spoke to me about marriage (as seen above from Him) (that which He spoke to me but did not allow me to share with any of you). She was able to confirm that the things I spoke truly are of God and she backed it up with scripture.
And so I am allowed to speak these things now, finally, so that you can either then change your life according to God's truth and walk in His perfect will for your life NO MATTER WHAT, or you can tell God that you are not interested in doing it His way and continue as you have been.
Truly the people who do not stand for God's perfect will in all things are considered by God to be in compromise and disobedient and those people will not be allowed to minister for His Glory. To encourage you there are those called to minister as part of MY team that are also struggling in this area of one strong spouse/one not (for none of us have ARRIVED and we are all DYING DAILY). It is nothing to be ashamed of or secretive about - God REVEALS TRUTH so that we can walk in VICTORY, proclaiming His word and standing on His promises in faith BELIEVING. HERE (for this ministry) the team has to be for God 100 percent, faithful to Him, putting Him above all (job, spouse, children, etc) HE IS TO BE OUR NUMBER ONE. It can be no less for any and all TRUE MINISTRIES that expect to represent the Kingdom of God in righteousness and truth.
This is not in any way, shape or form telling you that marriage isn't sacred and that marriage isn't a covenant with God. But our salvation is not upheld by anyone - we each have to individually account unto God for our actions. And if God's perfect will is compromised (remember it is HIS WORD that says there are no small things - even to the extent of saying "It is the little foxes that spoil the vine") blaming someone else will not cut it. Look back to the Garden of Eden - Eve blamed the serpent, Adam blamed Eve - and God found them both guilty. When you marry - if God ordained for you to be with that person - then He knew how it would turn out, for He knows all things from before the beginning. If you determine to be obedient no matter what, and your spouse doesn't like it, then God is going to have to deal with THEM, but you are still to be obedient. The only true marriage covenant that will work is one where BOTH ARE OBEDIENT UNTO GOD and BOTH are willing to walk only according to His perfect will. When one does not, then you are unequally yoked, and the one who is not cannot and must not stop YOU from walking in righteousness.
Spoken to His Messenger