January 7th, 2007
As the Lord had me post the bulletins for today, He pointed out two aspects of today's "Exhortations" that He wanted me to feature today:
+ One aspect of My "judgement" upon those of My children who have ignored My Word which I have sent to them through My "messengers" - the holy apostles and prophets - is for Me to "permit" [allow] circumstances to arise in their life that can only be countered by the very revelation which they "rejected" in their foolishness. Truly I say to you, that in their time of repentance the very "word" that I had previously sent shall be there "waiting" for them, and as they hearken to it - and "believe it" - their complete deliverance from "any" and "every" evil circumstance shall "immediately" begin to come forth.
THIS IS AN AMAZING STATEMENT and I praise God for releasing it - for I cannot tell you how many times the Lord would have me release a word, the recipient would reject it (in pride, offense, etc) and their lives FELL APART because they rejected His truths. I can't even count (it makes me weep). The Lord takes His words VERY SERIOUSLY and He chooses the foolish to confound the wise - just because you can't believe He would pick someone like me (or whoever your appointed messenger might be!), it is to your own detrament to judge and not allow Holy Spirit to REVEAL who I am to God. That is all I have ever asked - that any and all who meet me JUST ASK GOD WHO I AM TO HIM for truly that is what He has me do for each and every one of you. HE SHOWS ME WHO YOU ARE IN AND TO HIM and that is the ONLY way I see you. THAT is what He expects YOU to do with each and every believer that comes into your life.
There is a woman right now in a situation that will NEVER CHANGE until she repents and falls on her face, asking God to forgive her arrogance for thinking she knew the word when she didn't. I know another woman who her entire walk all she and her husband wanted was a child - and one day a prophet (not me) spoke at a meeting and said, "Until you see Jesus in everyone around you and ask Him who He has sent to you, you may never see your miracle" (this he spoke to everyone in the room). "It could be that person you just can't stand that HAS YOUR WORD and YOUR BLESSING - but until you receive them as Christ receives them and honor the Christ in them, you will never be blessed". This particular person was very wealthy and had pride issues and just did not like me up to and including not even letting me come in their home. AND they not only rejected me but also dealt harshly with my two children. Yet THE LORD CHOSE ME TO BE THE MESSENGER THAT HAD THE WORD SHE NEEDED. And as far as I know (up until the last time I saw them in 2004) the had never been blessed with that child they were believing for.
God takes His chosen messengers' appointments and place in Him VERY SERIOUSLY.
The horrible misconception that may believers operate under is that ANYONE can bring you ANY word and bless you. But if it is an APPOINTED THING FROM GOD - if there is a specific messenger that has been entrusted with that thing from God to deliver on His behalf unto you, then ONLY THAT INDIVIDUAL can release it to you - and if you mistreat that person you are mistreating God.
This is not about ME (before you write to me and say that which you are thinking about saying I assure you I have no flesh feelings about that which He had me share above - no offendedness, no rejection, etc - just reporting as He is leading and my confidence is Him and it is an honor to fellowship in ALL of His sufferings!) - this is about you - WHO IS THE MESSENGER THAT GOD HAS SENT INTO YOUR LIFE THROUGH WHOM HE WILL MOVE SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE YOUR MIRACLE (WHATEVER IT MAY BE?) Do you recognize them? DO YOU HONOR THE PROPHETS? Even the simple woman in the Bible was wise enough to build a room onto her house for the prophet to sleep in whenever he passed through her area because SHE WASN'T GOING TO MISS HER BLESSING! Look at the other woman who only had enough to feed her and her son but gave it to the prophet instead? SHE CHOSE WISELY because HE WAS THE APPOINTED ONE WITH HER BLESSING FROM GOD. (It WAS NOT ABOUT THE MESSENGER AND HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH US FOR IT IS THE LORD WHO DOES ALL THINGS THROUGH US)...do you have ears to hear? It is about HONORING CHRIST IN US!
NEVER PASS UP AN OPPORTUNITY to be a blessing to a fellow believer. I remember a church where there were people who didn't have cars and would need someone to pick them up every time there was a meeting. And all the people would ARGUE or make up excuses not to pick those people up. DO YOU KNOW THAT THEY WERE LEAVING JESUS STRANDED BY NOT PICKING THEM UP? Jesus Christ resides in all believers! How you then TREAT that believer, you are really TREATING Jesus! If you get offended with a believer, you are offended with Christ. If you argue with a believer, you are arguing with Christ. And THAT ONE YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY FOR - they could be the one God said will bring you your miracle. He is not revealing these truths so that you will then be nice to people for what you can get out of it...instead BE NICE TO PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU ARE HONORING CHRIST HIMSELF! Why else would He speak, "When you do this UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE, YOU ARE DOING IT UNTO ME!"
+ To measure My Word "fully" - and to act on it immediately once one has the necessary revelation - is a "true exercise" in believing.
This hit me like a lightning bolt - Holy Spirit said, "Many read the words that I speak through you however they do nothing about it". It is as if everyone reads God's words and go, "Whoa...powerful...amen!" and they recognize the anointing and the truth of it BUT it's as if there is a magic day in the future they are waiting for to ACT UPON THAT WORD. The Lord had me speak this once before in a major word and He repeats it here and now:
May God richly bless you, one and all!
Spoken to His Messenger
January 7th, 2007
8:17 pm - 9:37 pm