NameMarie Foster

Geographic LocationSpokane Washington

DateThursday, March 27, 1997

EntryI played bridge tonight with Dan Wolfley, Bill Brower, at Margaret

Walsh's house. I got there a bit early and Margaret and I were

talking about watching Hale-Bopp. We both commented how we

had not been away from the city lights and we decided to go out

Indian Trail Road until we got far enough to see the comet. After

we got away from the suburbs I looked for a spot to park. There

was a school turn around and I pulled over. Margaret was having

a bit of trouble getting her seat belt unfastened but I was getting

out of the car when a well used pickup passed us and pulled over

about 20 feet ahead. Margaret expressed a bit of concern. But

they opened the window and asked if we needed help. When I

told them we were comet watching, they said, "Have a good

time." And pulled away. The comet was spectacular. It was no

more than 5 degrees above the hills. The tail was very distinct

and seemed to glitter in the moonlight. As we were driving back

Margaret mentioned that she sometimes has difficulty sleeping

and had been listening to the talk shows late at night. She

mentioned that there was lots of talk about a space ship hiding

behind the comet. I told her about the controversy on the internet

over the problems with the CCD picture that mistook a star for a

SLO (Saturn Like Object).

If a space ship was with Hale Bopp, I would have had to come

from outside the solar system. If so the technology for it to do so

would be so far superior to ours that aliens would certainly not

have to hide behind anything.

Anyway, we had a good time. I plan to do it again next week

when we play bridge at my house.

Tuesday, April 15, 1997Page 2 of 3
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