Meeting Notes
January 4, 2003

This was our first ever administrative meeting, there was no scheduled reading selection.

Meeting Location
The meeting was held at the beautiful, new home of Gay West.

Members in Attendance
Gay West
Teresa Adigun
Veronica Johnson
Diane Barber
Arva Dearborne
Tracie Momie
Teresa Moore

Topics Discussed
--Anniversary/Teen Meeting (location, menu, format)
--New Name/Address List (updates)
--Reading Schedule (each hostess will select a book for the next meeting.  March: Raising Fences by Michael Datcher).
--Hostess Schedule (sign up- see list at right)
--6 member rule:  if at least 6 people show up for the meeting the meeting will take place.  The only person that can change or cancel a meeting is the hostess if she is having a scheduling conflict.  Meetings will continue to take place on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
--New Members (we can invite new people to the meetings)

2003 Hostess Schedule
(please notify Arva if there is a problem with this schedule)

January-  Gay West
February- Teresa Adigun*
March- Angie Eason
April- Nikki Wilson or Rhonda Jordan
May- Veronica Johnson
June- Teresa Moore
July- Diane Barber
August- Mileen Anderson
September-Sherita Galvez
October- Tracie Momie
November- Arva Dearborne