Here are some of the great people I met in Books and Literature
or Gorpie's

(with links to their pages if I know about them)

Chatters Goals for 1998

Akasha... Antigone7... Arfster... ries... Arklady... Arlongus... Asmodaidarkangel... Ascarin... Ascarin and Merrika... Bamapete... Baron M... Bayta... Bearurr... Bigbadwolf... Birgette... Blue105... Brendon13... Cathral... CiaJackRyan... Cinddee... Clod-ia... The_Damn_Gang... Debbbora... Dimara... Dmoonstorm... Donna1151955... Dragonfly... DrSuess26... Eowyn... Erisss... Ethbay... Gigi in DC... Gillman... Global Nomad... Graem_P... Green_Bud... Griff_Dragonclaw...Happyjoyousfreee (aka Gorpie)... Happy_Lizard... Harmonia... Helsbelles... Hillobeans... Honey_3... Iliana-gypsy, aka TigressIliana... Infogoddess... Jaceee... Jen_in_Tex... Jest-8... Jimmy Olsen... JonatApp... Juno... JWinsor20... Kilroi-is-here... King Mundanbar... Knight_Writer... Kornsin... Kylebee Light_Vampire22... Littlefuzzykit... LongHairCountryBoy... Lord Watson... Macna... Madrone... Make-a-wish... Mamabear... Mcsloop... Meesa... Merrika... Merrika and Ascarin...Miyamoto Musashi... Neptune... Nyneave... Oneof4... Pablorue... Peacerose... Pearblossom... Pelet2... Picapowergirl... Pinkfifcojones... Poetic_Goddess... Quadeus... Queenofallthings... Que_ne... Quitealady... RubyKnight... Sae...Samarai-indian... Selden... Sideshowlily... Sjb2... Sleepless Knight... Somerdai... Stwe and Ette... Tazette32... The Shiro... Torifreak... Treasureman... Truvy... Urbanranger... Ustus-p... Voltaire67... Wcoyote... Webman13... Wolfenarialde... Zydd...

RIP GMS and Arielaries

If I left you out, or if you have a homepage you want me to link to,
please e-mail me.

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