Playing with Dolls

Just when I had thought that I had seen it all something else comes along to really surprise me. I found this site on the 'Net:

A little warning, this site contains depictions of nude females and sexually oriented material. It is beyond the first click so you can see what I mean without actually going beyond the top page. But I haven't provided a direct link because this might be in violation of Geocities guidelines.

Are you back? Now that you've seen it, I wonder what kind of people go to that much effort to replicate a fake woman. This goes beyond plain onanism into something surreal. I'm reminded of the novel, The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin. The novel that has men systematically replacing their wives with mindless automatons just immediately came to my mind when reveiwing this site.

Of course people who are all for the Real DollŪ will say that this is just harmless (if expensive) fun or that I would like to keep men enslaved to women's whims. Let's face it, the rise in violent sex crimes, comes from one source, fantasy. Sexual violence is based upon the fantasy that there is the perfect sex partner, the perfect sexual experience, and if real women do not want to participate then make them.

And of course there are those who claim that a doll would give an outlet for people with such tendencies. In the cases of those who are true necrophiles like Jeffrey Dahmer and Dennis Nilson, that would be true. But a doll wouldn't satisfy a sadist who likes to hear women scream in pain like Angelo Bueno or Lawrence Bittaker.

And the Real DollŪ encourages men who would steep themselves entirely in fantasy rather than find suitable mates for themselves. One can imagine such a man having one sided conversations with the doll, dressing it the way he wants it to be dressed, watching TV with her et.

Which begs the question, why is there such a market for these things? I can understand masturbatory devices such as artificial vaginas, vibrators, and other toys. But what would compel someone to pay 4000+ dollars (up front!) to basically masturbate?

No matter how clever the device, doll, or toy, the issue comes down to masturbation. No one can have sex with a doll. No one can make love to a doll. You can only use a doll to masturbate. No matter if it feels and looks just like the "real thing", it's still masturbation.

The makers of the Real DollŪ are claiming to be working on models that move and even talk. Probably little phrases like "You're the greatest" and "I love you". And they claim to have a male Real DollŪ in development. I wonder if women will be as interested?

Some how I doubt that women would be as interested in a male doll. Women fantasize about the entire man, not just a collection of his parts. No woman past of early adolescence wants a completely compliant and mute partner. We like to fuck people not silicone.

Why are (some) men so wrapped up in sexual fantasy that they will pay such a price to have the "woman" of their dreams? Even if their dreams have to be special ordered?

Some will say that I'm not fair. That some men have been burnt and these dolls are their way to get sexual satisfaction without risking their egos. I say egos because I don't think hearts have much to do with it. If the issue was just simple sexual satisfaction, then artificial vaginas and other devices would do just as well as one of those dolls.

But the Real DollŪ is more than just sexual satisfaction. It is a substitute woman. A substitute that cannot leave, talk back, or bother the man when he wants to do something else. In other words, the Real DollŪ is just another sign of what many men really want, the completely passive and compliant sexual toy, not real love affection or caring.

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If you liked this java, I found it at The Omega Factor

real people have seen this page since I've started counting.