I'm still wanting to have my own baby...

I'm married almost 16 years, but my wife could not enter pregnancy...
We tried until 10 years ago some treatments, including artificial fertilization
(then very new treatment), but didn't success.... even more - she gave up....
I'm not this pushy man for children, but thinking of them seriously
as i'm not getting younger with a time... Worst of all - she left me some years ago...

I'd like to be happy with my future wife Zurith
to have some (2 at least) beautiful kids - i'm ready for that now than ever...

We should be growing together to happy family
as much as it depends on us, starting from nothing...
I had great love to my wife, but she could not be faithful to me to the end of our life,
trying to bring kids to our life... she chose her career (lottery stand) than me...

 my wife in Paris streets... in 1986 1