
Colour Key
DMC stranded
A=824 very dark blue
  (outline waves, 3 strands)
B=826 medium blue
  (outline waves, 3 strands)
C=676 light old gold
  (sand castles, 4 strands,bottom border 3 strands)
D=415 pearl grey (flagpole, 4 strands)
E=318 light steel grey (sea gulls,3 strands)
F=909 very dark emerald green (flags, 4 strands)
G=666 bright Christmas red (flags, 4 strands)
H=white (2 strands)
smocking plate

*Please note:
The colours listed are only meant to be a guide.If you have trouble matching them, why not add your own special touch, try your own combinations, and create that special original.

Backsmock rows 3 and 4 in cable. To center the design work from the center outwards. Each sand castle covers 12 pleats, with 12 pleats in between (at the base).
Top border Row 1 - 1½. Outline waves ( 4 outline across, 3 stepped outline down to row 1 ½, 4 across, 3 stepped up, 4 across). Row 1½ - 2. Work second row of outline waves.
Bottom border Row 5. Starting a needle's width above row 5, work a row of cable beginning with an under cable at the center front.
Row 5 - 6. Work 2 rows of 2 step- half space trellis.
Sand castles Start 6 pleats to the right of center with a down cable, a needle's width above the cable row. Work 9 cables. Work a further 3 rows of 9 cables.
Row 4. Starting one pleat to the left, work 2 rows of 11 cables.
Turrets Work 4 satin stitches. Refer to diagram for placement. Fill in the space below the outside turrets with a satin stitch.
Flags Start on row 2½ with a down cable, work 4 cables,turn, work another 4 cables above
Flagpole Rows 2 - 3. Work satin stitches over one pleat up to and through flag.
Sea gulls Starting on row 2½, 4 rows to the right of sand castles, work a wave down to row , under cable, wave up to row 2½, skipping a pleat.

smocked insert
from Australian Smocking &Embroidery
Issue No 23 Summer 1993

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