<bgsound src="http://everythingidoidoitforyou.mid" WIDTH=140 HEIGHT=55 autostart=true loop=true>

Hi! I'm glad you stopped by. My name is Cecile. Let me show you around. Make yourself at home. Why don't we have some
or some

Sit back, get comfortable and enjoy your visit. Please come back again.


The Den


Living Room

And, from my Front Porch I would like to issue a special thank you to Sharon at Ace of Space where I got most of my backgrounds and a LOT of information. I would also like to thank every one of the Midi sites on my Music page. I'm sorry I don't know which ones I got each piece of music from but I know I used them all and they were a big help. But the biggest thank you goes to Dexnet for making Homesite. It changed my life because it made it so easy for me to do a homepage and it is mostly how I learned HTML. It certainly made me enjoy it after trying about 40 different programs and trashing all of them except Homesite. Thank you each and every one!

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