The Sims Family and what we're all about |
That's us...Roosevelt is the "head" of the house-hold (or at least he would like to believe he is!). He is a gentle man with a pleasant yet humorous personality. He is generous and always tries to provide his best for his family. He is a wonderful husband and father. Roosevelt gave many years to the auto industry and is more recently involved in mortgage financing. | He loves gospel and spiritual music. He has two daughters, Sheila and Stephanie. And together we have two sons, Ryan and Michael. Roosevelt used to say he cloned his sons....I wonder if he still thinks that way! Then we have Ryan...Ryan is quiet in his own way, reserved and keeps things close to the vest. | He excels in school (currently in his 3rd year of high school) which I might add he has a 3.57 GPA. Among some of his favorite things to do are playing his saxophone, delivering a message now and then in church, playing Playstation and just having a good time. He is a hard worker when he wants to be (as can be noted by his clientele list). |
Ryan has a lawn mowing business in the neighborhood and many of our neighbors have come to heavily depend on his efforts. Ryan recently broke his wrist which put a damper on what he intended to accomplish this year...but I am proud of him, he isn't letting a | little broke bone keep him down. A production company sought him out to toot his horn in a play they are going to be performing in September. Not only will he play his sax, he has a part in the play too. |
Then we have Michael...He is a sensitive "going on" 12 year old with an intense love of animals. Among the many that he has had are 3 guinea pigs (all deceased now), a litter of hamsters that he rescued after their mother died in child | birth, frogs, various fish, chameleons, and seahorses. He's had them all. Michael plays piano and can bring tears to your eyes when he puts his heart into his playing. He has always loved reading and playing on the computer. But I think out | of all the things Michael likes to do best is being a "road runner". He loves to go, go, go. Can't hold him down...Michael is in his second year of middle school and a "B" student. He is a joy and has always had a lovable disposition. We have been warned many times that someone might try to steal him away... |