When will we laugh and Smile and have fun again?
WE, as a nation, as a family, have been raPed and mutilated.
Yet, uniTed we stand in a test of our nation’s strength
“...tEsting whether {this} nation or any nation can long endure.”
As Lincoln said on a great battlefield of the Civil War (1).

The tragic unfolding of SepteMber 11, 2001 Before our eyes
CausEd us to mouRn our losses and unitE in brotherhood.
Though our fears stilL remain as we look to the skies.
“...thosE people who knocked these buildings down will soon hear all of us!”(2)
> Were Bush’s words as he Viewed on a battlefield of the new war.

WE will laugh, we will smile and we will learN to have fun again.
Baseball has started and laTe night comedy shows.
Yet our nation’s anger and sorroW were expressed by an anchOr named Dan.
“Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by Human tears...”(3)
Mr. Rather quOted as his emotions showed us that he too was hUman.

To you who have made uS cry, to you who have hurt us.
I wAnt to tell you that this nation will not succumb to your tryanny.
Welcome to the Wild West aNd our unique version of Frontier Justice!
That “Star SpangleD Banner yet wave[s], O’er the land of the free..”(4)
ANd the home of those bravEr than you!


1. Gettysburgh Address, Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863
2. Bush’s Speech to Rescue workers on September 14, 2001
3. Late Night with David Letterman September 18, 2001
4. National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner
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