Welcome to Asanga's page for research on Saudi women. There are some links to Saudi Women & Their Changing Status. There are some similar problems that women in other Muslim countries face today.
Early HistoryThis link contains a brief description about the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the way people feel about their homeland. Also some information about the Founder of the country. It also has an image of a ancient place.
Modern History
The modern history of Saudi Arabia and the rulers for each time period. The ruling under the current King and some information about ways the king did for the development of the country.
Life style during desert period in Saudi and women's status
In this link is has several other links that contains a whole book about a true life story of a Princess behind the veil in Saudi Arabia. It contains several chapters and how women were treated in the society and the rights they have in the Saudi society. Also, it contains information about how men were treated in a special way and how much power they had over women during those years. How Islam affected women's life in the old days. Even though women were born free, they were like in chains in the Saudi society without any human rights.
Muslim Women's Spirituality
It is a brief description about how Muslim women feel about their religion. There are also some other good quality links in the article. There is an image of a Mosque.
Women In Islam
It contains lot of information about women in Islam. Muslim women and their human rights, social and economic rights are discussed. Also, it contains the duties of a wife in a marriage and how women are treated in a Muslim society. At the end it concludes with other sites anyone can choose to go and learn more about Muslim women and Islam.
Islamic countries and holy places
It contains picture of different countries and holy places in Islam. They are very beautiful and interesting images
Saudi women and the cultural background
This link contains cultural differences about Saudi society and what things that Saudi women are prohibited by doing. Saudi women must obey their traditions. Also this link contains about the life style of Saudi people have how it is different from US.
Shame in the house of Saudi
This link contains about the treatment of women. Lack of freedom, social restrictions and inequality of employment is discussed. It shows how Saudi women suffer in a society with many men governing without letting women achieve independence in life.
Women's role in marriage
Saudi women are prohibited to marry non-Arabs except with a permission from the King. The myth of Westernized Saudis are discussed in some details. There are several things to consider in a Saudi marriage. Questions about starting a family and what to expect in a Saudi marriage and whether a marriage will fail?
Saudi women are entering the labor force today
It talks about how Saudi women have started to enter into the hotel industry. Many have sent application to positions in a hotel in Riyadh. It gives some statistics about how mush the hotel intended to hire and how many women are willing to work. Moreover, it contains some information about women working in other sectors.
An Update of Women in Saudi
Information about why Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is so wealthy and what percent of Saudis wealth is in women's hands.
Educational History
When was the first educational institutions had started in Saudi and information about how many people have started to achieve an higher education. Education is a central aspect of family and community life. There is an image of some children in school.
Higher Education Today
The advancement of the education in the Saudi society. More development of universities and increase in students in schools.
Images of village women in Bangladesh
Some images of village women in Bangladesh and their duties in life. Their life style in the village can be seen.
What does future holds for Saudi women?
This contains women in today's society and what will accomplish in the future to better their lives. even today the status of women have not changed dramatically. In same situations men are treated much more better than women.
Muslim Women's League- The Future of WomenIt contains information about a non-profit Muslim American organization which is working to achieve the equal status for women and their freedom. It has sub-links about other information about the league and the activities it is offering for Muslim women who are interested in finding independence in life.
The status of saudi Women have started to change slowly. Saudi women are recieving a higher education today in Saudi Arabia as well as abroad. These women have come along way by depending on men. They have also started to participate more in the labor force. Hopefully in the near future they will find independence and happiness in life.