We must speak for the unborn who cannot speak for themselves.

The National Coalition for Life and Peace

In the United States, an innocent child will die of abortion every 21.4 seconds. That is about 1,579,000 a year. These are children who will never see sunshine, never have a chance at life. Its all because of a "choice" a woman was pressured into making. "Abortion is the taking of a life" says Mary Calderone, who is the pro-choice former Planned Parenthood Medical Director. Abortion is an issue today that everyone has a chance to state their opinions, everyone except the unborn. What would they say to their mother if they could? Would they say, "Mom, I am a human being too" or "You were once in a womb like me"? The fact is we don't know. And we will never know what person the child might have become. Would she have been the first woman President of the United States? Would he be the doctor to find the vaccine for the HIV virus? Since abortion was legalized in 1973, more and more of the world's future have become faceless, gray statistics. The holocaust we are witnessing is happening today yet no one seems to notice. By the time you are finished reading this, another child would have been unwillinging refused the right to life, and and another woman would have a psychological burden to carry with her. When will there be an end?

If Abortion is such a cruel act, why do so many women support it?
Many women as well as men support abortion because they were not told the complete truth. Many don't realize the emotional pain a woman goes through when she has an abortion. Post-abortion trauma symptoms are not only experienced by the woman, but by the man involved, friends, and relatives. Symptoms include: anger, grief, anxiety, guilt, psychological numbing, preoccupation with becoming pregnant again, re-experiencing the abortion, panic attacks, depression, nightmares, isolation... What kind of CHOICE is this? Abortion is just not fair to the mother nor the child.

  • Please Click Here for Links to Articles about Post-Abortion Syndrome and other Abortion Topics
    \\\\\\\Comming soon: My Personal Essay on Why I am Prolife///////
    This page is very new to the internet. It was established on July 14,1997. This page is maintained by Diana C. West who supports the Right to Life. Feel free to send any comments or suggestions to Diana's E-mail address: blueufo@hotmail.com
    Thank you for visiting.
    To ignore the children is to ignore life, thank you for keeping an open mind to the truth.

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