My travels July 1989-Dec 1997
Main routes only
I left my possessions with my closest friends Pat and Audrey and planned on spending at least a year traveling. It was both scary and exciting!
I dislike goodbyes,
and couldn't sleep anyhow, so I left in the middle of the night.
I saw my dear friend Audrey watching out the kitchen window as I pulled out.I have known her since 1955 and she knew I would leave that way, and this was her way of saying goodby and god speed.
I had dreamed of being able to travel to my heart's content for years. For the past few years I had seriously started buying things I would need on the road, copying vcr tapes, getting good flashlights etc., stocking up on leisure clothes, reading about recreational vehicles and camping in them. In many ways I was quite well prepared.
Now that I was actually on the road, I had to admit that I had a few thoughts about turning right back to the place I knew, where I had friends and contacts. And the sneaky "what ifs" would leave me feeling anxious and worried. There was only one way to find out how it would go...and that was TO GO. So I did.