Diana Bellessi, the most representative contemporary woman poet of Argentina, was born in Zavalla, Santa Fe,in 1946. She studied philosophy at the U.N.L, and between 1969-1975 she walked the continent. During two years she coordenated writing workshops in argentinian jails. Feminist since the seventies, she is part of the staff of Feminaria. Until 1991 was a member of the staff of Diario de Poesía. She is also translator. She have published: Destino y propagaciones (Casa de la cultura de Guayaquil, Ecuador,1970), Crucero Ecuatorial (Sirirí, 1981), Tributo del Mudo (Sirirí, 1982), Contéstame, baila mi danza (anthology of north american contemporary women poets, Último Reino,1984), Danzante de doble máscara (Último Reino, 1985), Eroica (Tierra Firme/Último Reino, 1988), Buena travesía, buena ventura pequeña Uli (Nusud, 1991), El Jardín (Bajo la Luna Nueva, 1992; 2nd. edition: 1994), Lo propio y lo ajeno (Essays, Feminaria Editora, 1996), Colibrí lanzarelámpagos (Anthology, Tierra Firme, 1996) and Días de seda (anthology and translation of Ursula K. Le Guin's poems, Nusud, 1991). She lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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