Guild Logo

Palm Beach County Quilters' Guild

The Guild, was formed in 1985 to promote knowledge of,
and interest in, quiltmaking. Membership is open to
everyone interested in quilts. The guild meets at 10AM
on the fourth Saturday of each month (except November)
at the West Palm Beach Garden Club building located in
Dreher Park near the Zoo and Science building.
The Guild is a member of the National Quilting Association,
Chapter 454 and the American Quilt Society. (AQS)
If you're interested in joining, you may write to
the Palm Beach County Quilters' Guild at:
P.O. Box 18276, West Palm Beach, FL. 33416.

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Officers for 2003-2004

President----------------------Lynn Scully Suhr
Vice President-------------------Michelle Kay
Secretary--------------------------Jean Vroman
Treasurer-------------------------Sabra Vainoti
Historian --------------------------Phyllis Goffe
Workshop Chairman------------Trudy Flynn

Congratulations ladies!!!

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Palm treeGuild Participation Palm tree

Click on current events below

Current & Upcoming Events

Past Events

Guild Quilts

1999 Palm Beach County Quilt Show Winners

Prize Winning Quilts by Members

Prize Winning Blocks for Guild Competition

Prize Winning Wings Challenge Quilts

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Some of our member's links have been included
on this site and I hope you will visit them.

Members Links

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Palm tree Our Thanks To Our Supporters & Links to Various Sites Palm tree

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For information regarding any of the programs,
please contact Program Chairman Carolee Ellison.

Last update: March 10, 2003

Original background and site,
designed and maintained by Rita Denenberg

Link up can be found here.

To link with site below, just click on logo.
Great Award from NOQ

The National Online Quilters
has chosen this site as one of its Great Places.
Many thanks to the NOQ.

Click Here For Next Page

The author Rita Denenberg, is a member of

The HTML Writers Guild

All material on this site is copyrighted ©1998 ©1999
©2000 ©2001 ©2002 ©2003
and may not to be used for
distribution or commercial use without permission

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