EeyoreGirl's Web Page

Eeyore's Home This page is designed to help people who have been sexually abused. I origionally included it in my personal homepage, but a problem arose, because people I knew were finding out about it, and it had the potential for creating some tension.

This page will be growing in the future, so bookmark it and come back!

This site talks about religion and childhood sexual abuse.
If this upsets you, please do not read on.

Table of contents
Eeyore and a purdy red ballon What happened to me
My personal testimony about my childhood and overcoming the fear of telling.
Eeyore You Say You Know
Prayer of a sexually-abused woman, based on Psalm 139

A beautiful little essay about our true Father

How about a little music?
A little bit about music that has helped me heal.
Eeyore *NEW!* My recommended reading list to learn about and heal from sexual abuse.

A little bit about sexual abuse.
the cut and dry definitions of what it is, but very blunt.
Eeyore picking up the pieces of his purdy red ballon When Trust Is Lost:
Healing for Victims of Sexual Abuse

From Radio Bible Class, this is the online version of a booklet in their "Discovery Series" that can be ordered from the RBC web site at

Here are my webrings!

Just a quick update on me!

Here is a place to give me feedback about my page!
Feel free to use the form to send me email!

I also love to see what people put in my guestbook,
so you can READ my guestbook,
and then you can SIGN my guestbook!


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