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Hi I'm Panther Eyes.
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Welcome To My Little Witches Home.
Let Me Tell You About My God And Goddess.
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There is two things I am Very Proud of and that's being Native American and being a Witch...Let me share this with you..

Sia Medicine Song

Grant our children life and happiness. Send forth the good south winds. Send forth your breath over the waters that our world may be beautiful and our people may thrive. Far off, over there, Sun Father awakens, and climbs up his ladder leaving his resting place as Moon/Earth Mother lays down to rest. May all complete life's long road, may all grow old. May our little ones know the sweet smell of the sacred breath of life. May all our children have maize that they may complete their journey. Sit down, remain here, we give our best gift, our best thoughts. We inhale the sweet smell of the sacred breath through our prayer plumes...
I am a Solitary Witch (Natural Witch) . I study the Pagan/Wicca religion. I Love the word Witch. To me it means: mystery, healing, power, special, different, balance and history. It also means knowledge, secrets, the Earth, also being able to bond and understand both the male and female side of myself. The Rede: An Harm None, Do What Ye Will. This means to do nothing that could bring harm to another or to one self.

The Whole Rede

Ancient Celtic People

What A Wiccan Is Now..

Believer in reincarnation (not all people believe in reincarnation and that is fine) and soul's eternal life..

Lives by Wiccan Rede and Threefold Law..

Celebrates the Creator in it's female Goddess and male God aspects ( except Dianics, who pretty much ignore the God )..

View all of Nature as deity manifested on Earth..

It's not necessary to do spells or rituals to be Wiccan, only to hold the above beliefs. Also, there are some Wiccans who do not subscribe to the "Ultimate singular Creator" belief, but who are pantheistic to the core..

A Pagan is simply someone who believes in the deity of, and who live in harmony with, Nature..

An Eclectic Wiccan believes in the above, but who also "thinks like a Unitarian," taking from various traditions, religions, pantheons, and theolopy/thealopy systems that which rings Truth for the individual..Eclectic Wiccans believe that all world religions worship the same deity by different names, and any system that works according to the Rede is acceptable as True..

This was given to me by Hairfish, and I appreciate it..

blrose.gif Life is sometime like the Black Rose, with sorrows and tears. The thorns are the pain and illness' alot of us has to go through. The blood is shead for the ones that has gone to war to protect us and for those that has died for who they are or what they believe in. People will judge us for the color of our skin, for our religion and just because we're not like them. But we're all different and yet alike...The God and Goddess loves all of us...
The Goddess. Like the Red Rose. Her love is strong and true. Her voice is as soft as the pedels. The smell as sweet as her presence. The rose itself is pure, true and real as the Goddess herself is...
Magical Tools

Tools absolutely needed for magic: Magical Knowledge and Concereation...

Purpose of the tools:

Athame: Two knifes, one black handled the other white handled. To draw the magic circle also to transfer energy...

Besom/Broom: Sweeping away negitive energy can also be used to cast, a "cleansing" ritual...

Bolline: White handled knife (perfered a self carved handle) for cutting harvest herbs, a branch for a wand or for design and inscribe candles...

Candles: The candle that facilitates consciousness shifts. A focal point of power and additional energy. The color is the important thing to remember...

Censer: Incense burner, Wiccans smolder incense in honor of the God/Goddess and to prepare the working area for rituals...

Cauldron: A castiron pot to burn in on the Sabbats, perferiablly a piece of charred wood, wrapped and saved just for the Sabbats also to use to burn remnants of thread from binding spells or wax gobs...

Drum: To shift consciousness or to mark specific parts of the working. Also to make joyice sound to the God/Goddess...

Salt: To remove built up energy in tools before dedicating them to the service of the Goddess. Rub the salt on the tools. Salt also keeps out negitive energies and can be used in ritual baths...

Wand: Serves to project your energy to a certain place, thing, person or dimension...


Element: Fire Direction: South Color: Red or Orange. To repersent Fire You Can Use: Candle flame, Oil lamp, Burner. Intuition, Initiative, Health, Career, Ambition, Goals...

Element: Air Direction: East Color: Yellow or Gold. To repersent Air You Can Use: Incense, Feather, Your Own Breath, A Fan. Thoughts, Expression, Artistic Ability, Harmony...

Element: Earth Direction: North Color: Brown or Green. To repersent Earth You Can Use Bowl Of Rice, Dirt or Sand. Sensation, Security, Wisdom, Healing, Communication...

Element: Water Direction: West Color: Blue or Purple. To repersent Water You Can Use: A Cup or Chalice (use Holy water). Emotion, Depth, Dreams/Astra Travel, Womens' Mysteries, Reincarnation...

Element: Akasha Direction: Center...Time and Space..


Libra: September 24 - October 23

Cardinal Air Sign

No body does it like Libra. Their the most popular of the zodiac. They have people skills that make everyone want to be around them. Charm and warmth are second nature to them. You assertively seek company and human interaction. Your's the relationship sign, and it's really important to you to connect with other people. Your symbol is the Scales, and Libra is always seeking balance.

Your gem-stone is the shimmering opal; your color, pale blue and other pastel shades.

Leo: July 23-Aug22 (My Man)

Fixed Fire Sign

He is proud and holds his head high. He is very attractive to woman. He admires beautiful women. He likes the outdoors, particularly in the daytime when the sun, his ruler, is visible. Leo knows how to turn defeat into victory. He is definitely an extrovert, expansive, generous, outgoing. He love to laugh. He is not a big mouth or a phony, but occasionally he can be a bully. Halfway measures are not for him. He is always falling in and out of love. Romance is not a word to him, but a way of life. He is only happy when regally wining and dining with a lovely adoring feminine creature. And sooner or later he will find one whose admiration he can not do without and marry her. He is creative in business, a showman, a producer. Leo is jealous. He is the lion, the king of the jungle and of his home...


Pentecale is a star with a circle around it or some people say a star inside a circle.

Pentegram is a star.

I also love to collect pretty rocks and stones from different states and countries. So if you have any pretty little stones or rock from your area I'd love for you to send me one....Let me know by e-mail and I'll send you my home address..
Endangered Specie
ani33.gif" A black leopard. There is less than twenty of the Florida Panthers left and only afew of the African panthers left. There's only afew hundrad left in the world. These beautiful cats is almost gone. We must stop killing them and burning out the wilderness where they live. They are apart of nature as we are and they have as much right here as we all do. They belong to nature and Mother Earth, not for us to destory. These cats does not harm anyone..
Panther Call
E-mail addy: SQUAL797@aol.com



ICQ #2532519

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You're MyVisitor since 9-19-97
"Wrote By Me And Other Witchs"

Poems And Writings.. Also Full Moon Dates


"Some Of My Favorite Sites"

Silventar's Sacred-Space***Witches-Pages
Directory of Links***Cave of the Word Witch
Mind of Richard Harris***Fledglings***Fledgling Family Album
A Great Pagan Site***Witchs-Brew
Lady Crystal's Wicca World***Silverhawk
Free Stuff***Dougie's Color Chart
Witchs Voice***Madam Trillian's/ Amazon Books
Lady Bloodlust***Kenders' Cool Site
Angelfires'***Pagan Radio
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