
Angelica: (English Name) Angelica archangelica: (Latin name)(Medicinal properties)Appetizer, digestive, tonic, antispasmodic. In little doses it is a tonic, in large doses a depressant.You use the roots and fruits. (magical properties)The herb brings on the gift of temperance.Anise:(English)Pimpinella anisum:(Latin)(Medicinal properties) Digestive, stimulat, tonic, sedative in case of insomnia and nervousness. You use the fruit (importantly called seeds)(Magical properties)The aroma of the fruit of this herb has the power of awaking subtle energies needed for magic. (Magical use) Put fruits in linen cloth, for magic clothes.Balm: (English) Melissa officinalis: (Latin) (Medicinal) Digestive, sedative, useful for female complaints and nervou problems, purifier and decongestant of the skin. Use the flowery tops and leaves. (Magical) Soothes away hurts and fears in magic related to love pain. (Magical use) Infusion: 0,5g in 100g water. Drink during incantation. 1