Lisana's Life

I've been wanting to do an awards page for a while, but I never quite got around to it. I don't like to apply for awards, as I think that kind of takes away from the honor. If someone visits my site and feels it deserves an award enough to grant me theirs, or submit me for one they think I deserve, though, I am very flattered.

From most recent to earliest, here they are:

September 2, 1998: Sasha asked me a day or two ago if I would accept one of her awards, and I said yes. Quoting what she said in my guestbook, I think, is the best intro for this award:

Sasha's Pampered Pixel Award
lis, i'm not going to gush and tell you how brave and 'special' you are, because i believe that people simply do what they have to do or give up. it's a choice and you've made yours, and for this you're as normal a woman as any of us. friendship, love,'s all pretty normal stuff. what i DO appreciate and believe to be special is your ability to translate your life into words...words i can relate to and that touch me deeply. this is your gift, purpose, or whatever you choose to call it. you've got it...continue to use it well.

Thanks, Sasha... it means a lot to me to be thought of as a normal woman. *smile*

I dropped by your site and was impressed with the substance and the design. Sometimes I offer those places I think make a contribution to GeoCities and the whole net a special award which appears here. It is yours and you may choose to display it or not, link back to my homepage or not. Whatever you do, I think your place is "a site to remember." -- Epimenides

Thank you very much, Epimenides. I will display it with pride!

Congratulations !!!

You are one of a prestigious group of people on the internet! You have been given the "Gold Crown of Excellence" seal.

This is a membership into a very exclusive group.

The crown is more than an award. It is a statement of who you are, what you are about, and your excellence among the millions on the WWW.

-- Elle

Thank you, Elle; I'm honored you chose my site.

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