A Conversation

February 11, 1998 -- Evening II

Jevim hopped online for a bit before the season 5 Babylon 5 episode tonight, and I told him what I'd been up to, when he told me he was done with his project he'd been working on. This is the conversation that ensued (with extra stuff cut out, that is).

My lines are in this color and Jevim's are in this color.

L: I've been poking around Geocities and Yahoo and all over and writing a journal entry. In my surfing, I stumbled across the Jehovah's Witnesses' web site (I was taught that they are bad, bad, bad and have a completely different bible than 'ours'). But instead of backing up, I read. And guess what? *chuckle* I don't think they're really all that different. Well, not completely different, but "They leave out parts of the bible that they don't want to believe."

What I noticed in reading their stuff is that they point out parts of the bible that "we" choose to disregard. *shaking head*

J: Jehovah's Witnesses' (aka Mormons) believe in modern-day prophecy, IIRC...

Jehovah's Witnesses are not the same as Mormons, entirely.

Jehovah's Witnesses' = Latter-Day Saints = Mormons, I thought....

Jehovah's Witnesses are "The Watchtower organization and tract society of Pennsylvania" The Mormons are "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"

Mormons: "Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints", IIRC

Ah, maybe.

I was mixing them up though...

It's okay. I think everybody has lots of things mixed up, not just you and me.

I guess I'm a lot like Connie in one respect: I've always wondered about other religions. I want to know more than just what the Southern Baptist Conference or the Lutherans believe. I think it's not a case of one group holding the key; more like a puzzle, with the pieces scattered amongst many beliefs.

*chuckle* *Squeeeeeeeze* that's the Lis I had assumed existed, and was so scared didn't exist a few days ago... *squeeeeeze*

*wmaay* (our shorthand for "wrapping my arms around you") *squeeeeeeeeze* I'm in here...

Jevim is 100% at ease. :^)

*Squeeeeeeze* I'm sorry for scaring you so much.

*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze* *hug* I dunno why, but I guess that's what I had needed to hear. :^)

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