Who do they think I am, Miss Megabucks?
January 3, 1998
Well, I've been haunting all the big graphics design software manufacturers, looking at their offerings, downloading what demos are available, and wondering what others are like. Unfortunately, the "biggies" are all in the $500 range. Jevim says once he's been working, he'd buy me one for Christmas or my Birthday, but still, that's a big investment for someone who just dabbles in graphics. *sigh*
My Introduction to C++ class starts Monday at ZDU. I started it once before, but I got in late and kept getting further behind, so I dropped it to let someone else in as a full student. I'm really not sure that programming is exactly my cup of tea, but I'd like to be able to do it! I have a Visual Basic class starting up at Virtual University in another week or two, and I'm hoping I can manage both classes at once. I guess we'll see...
Jevim was online fairly early this morning... I was downloading a demo of Adobe Illustrator (it would be nice if they'd let you have some sort of tutorial or help files with it!) and went to take a bath, and just as I came back at 9, he was hopping online. We visited until about 10 my time, then he headed out to have lunch at Arby's and goof off and get away from his family for a while.
Mom came in and made herself an annoyance by sitting in the middle of my floor and reading my Medicare handbook that had come in the mail yesterday, and I had to keep going around her to get to the kitchen to make my lunch of tomato soup. As she left, she shut Munchie in the CD tower box and slipped the locking tab in place to keep her there. What a pain!
Yes, I'm not in a mood to deal with her this morning; I woke up at 3am with a full bladder, and while I was in the bathroom, Mom opened her door to the hall to come into the bathroom. I said, "I'm in here," and the first thing she asks is, "Are you sick?" I told her no, I just didn't want her walking in on me in the dark, and she says, "What's wrong?" Sheesh... I finish in the bathroom and get out, and she asks yet again if I'm sick. Can't I get up and empty my bladder in the middle of the night without her thinking something's wrong with me? She was up to do the same thing, for crying out loud!
I didn't get back to sleep for quite a while afterward, since when she was done in the bathroom, she went back into her room, shut the door to the hall, and went around through the living room and into the kitchen. She must have spent ten minutes, going through pill bottles and rattling every one, then turned on the overhead kitchen light instead of the one in the laundry room or over the stove, and spent another five or ten minutes in there. Then she went out in the living room and turned on the television, loud enough for me to make out everything, and to keep me awake for another half hour. *GRRR*
She's getting on my nerves badly today. While Jevim and I were chatting, she yells out from the kitchen "What did you use this measuring cup for?", and I wondered what measuring cup, as I hadn't used any as far as I could remember. So I went out to the kitchen to see what she was talking about and she said, "Never mind, I must have used it..." *grumble* *grumble* I really wish I could have been with Jevim today; he's not the only one who needs to get away from his family.
I'm downloading a demo of PhotoShop as I type... I know it's not the kind of program I really need, but I like to play with it anyway... when that's done, I guess I'll set up my compiler so I have something to use for class on Monday. 4MB to go on the download, but I think I'll go see about clearing up some disk space... TTYL...
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