Welcome to
the Home Page of the
Featured Non-Featured
Home-Page Webring
Have you applied to Geocities to be a featured page and received the
standard "we're not going to feature your page at this time" response
via email? It directs you to check out the guidelines, but when you
applied, you thought you'd met all the guidelines, so you have no idea
why your page was turned down. Well, between the two of us, we've
applied five times and after receiving that same message five times,
finally asked what guidelines we weren't meeting. Turns out there are
OTHER guidelines they don't tell you about...index page is too long,
links aren't in table form, too many graphics, dead graphics (that
turned out to be a Geocities problem), and so on and so on. Well, we
decided that enough is enough. What happened to creativity? What
happened to allowing your home page to express who you are? What
happened to individuality?
In a moment of admittedly sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek "we're not gonna
take it anymore" disgust, we decided to create the Featured Non-featured
Home Page Webring. There are two requirements to join.
- You must have applied to be a Geocities featured page and turned
- Your page must be safe for all ages-- NO ADULT MATERIAL!
That's all there is to it! If you meet both requirements, fill out the
form below, upload the graphics to your file manager and wait for the
email with the html code (already edited for your site). Once you get
the html code pasted on your HP, notify one of us and we'll add you to
the ring.
With Love and Light,
Momof1 and Rainbowlady