

Krochet Kat's HomePage

Cat at Fence
Hi! I'm Krochet Kat -- just "Kat" to all my NetFriends. Here you will find all sorts of information -- a little about me, my passion for crochet and trivia, some information on Women's Issues and some of my favourite links.
In fact, click the link below to read my "Official Biography".
Krochet Kat's Resumé
I have two sons -- Garett, 23 and Reed, 13. I have a terrific daughter-in-law, Carissa and two wonderful granddaughters, Violet and Sarah. We live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada where it is currently
[Animated Coloured Bar]
I add information and change the look of this page from time-to-time, so be sure to Bookmark my HomePage or add it to your Favourites List so you can come back and check my progress.

[Cute Cat Walking]
[empty.gif]Women's Area
[empty.gif][Animated Bullet]Why I Want a Wife

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet]The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] The Women's Network

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] MochaSofa

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] Plus Size Bra! Informational Service

[empty.gif][Image of White Cats]

My Favourite Web Sites
[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] The Hunger Site
[empty.gif]Donate Food for Free

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] Kids' Help Phone 1-800-668-6868

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] Guess the Dictator/Sit-Com Character game

[empty.gif][Animated Bullet] The Official Dilbert Website

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since September 9, 1997
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