a very special person.
A person who means all the world to me.
My son, who has been told he only has
a few years to live.
Robert was for so many years my only reason to live.
He has stood by me in thick and thin.
Supported and encouraged,
The wind beneath my wings.
My prayers and love are always with you Rob.
This candle is
lit and burns in your name.
A Guardian Angel to care for
watch over you.
Ruth's Candle
Ruth, a dear friend of mine
has recently been told she has
cancer of the breast.
Ruth has chosen to walk a different path.
A few days ago I was talking to Ruth
and when I told her that I sure
hoped she beat this thing.
Ruth answered me saying;
"Misty it is already gone!!!!
It just doesn’t know it yet."
Ruth's Candle
This candle will lead you to Ruth's
site where she is keeping a journal
in hopes it may help others
following the same path.
Ruth is a very bright, witty and a up- beat person,
and I am sure you will come away feeling the love
she so freely shares with all she touches.
Ruth and Robert
have something's in common
they both refuse to give up,
both have opted for
non traditional methods
of treatment.
Both are fighters,
who are not about to give in,
without a battle.
add your prayers to mine,
that these two brave souls receive
Gods Blessing's and his Grace
and strength to win their battles.
Sid this Candle is for you
and Candy.
May things work out,
and life not be as dark
as it seems right now.
Grant that your test come back
better than expected,
and you both be given strength to deal
with whatever the outcome is.
Stay strong Sis .
For my Son Alan.
My Mother, Uncle Woodie,
Aunt Margaret, and all those who have
gone before us .
This candle burns in your memory. For those
you touched who remain behind morning your loss.
There are so many in need of prayer
This candle is for all of humanity.
The sick and the lame. The tired and weary.
The homeless and forgotten,
The hungry and cold.
The lost and lonely ones,
that walk the face of this planet
The ones for who life’s demands have become
too much, the burden too heavy.
For those who are fighting to keep a loved one.
For those who have faltered and are trying to regain their footing.
For those who’s hearts are breaking for whatever reasons.
For those separated from family and loved ones.
For those who died in battle. For those who are still missing.
For all who suffer mental or physical pain.
For all the helpless ones, children, aged, all creatures,
great and small.
For all of mankind, all races, all religions,
all colors and creeds all of us.
We walk the same path at different speeds,
for some the way seems easy, for others it is an uphill climb.
Pray with me we all are given the strength,
to make the journey,
and to reach the face of our destine.
God Bless Us All
Each of us start this life with a bank account of time.
Each day we withdraw from this account.
We are rarely aware of our
accounts balance.
Live each day to the utmost,
Never leave anything neglected
you would not want to die and leave undone.
We never know from one minute to the next
when our journey will end.
The sands of time wait for no man.
And no man is an Island unto himself
what effects one, effect us all.
Prayer List
Dear Father we come asking
for your love and Grace.
Watch over and protect
those on this list,
and in our hearts.
We thank you Father
and know that
you will not
forsake us
in our time of need.
Marge's brother having a triple by-pass.
Carol, for Peace & Strength & Love.
For Julie, that her prayers are answered.
Prayers Of Thanks
We come with greatful hearts.
To thank you for that which
you have given so freely.
So that we treat you as the friend you are.
and come to you with our joy,
as well as our sorrow and needs.
Thank you Father for all the friends who hold my hand
and provide their love and support, even as you do,
unconditionaly and without reward.
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