Walk through a dream today
with childlike footsteps
that only know the limits
of a young imagination.
Walk through a dream today
until you reach that place inside
where wishes are made and magic is born.
When was the last time you bought a bottle of bubbles and filled the air with them, trying to make the biggest bubbles ever?! When was the last time you skipped rope? Flew a kite? Went to a carnival and rode the merry-go-round? Splashed through a mud puddle? Had fun with a squirt gun? Played marbles? Rolled down a grassy hill? Swung on a swing? Went to a toy store and tried all the toys? Played hop-scotch on the sidewalk?
That long ago?!???!?!?!?!? Shame on you!!
Don't get into a rut! Stop what you're doing right now and go do a childlike thing! Go . . . I said GO!! And commit yourself to at least one child-like activity a day!! JUST DO IT!!!
If you need some help and inspiration, these are a couple of GREAT groups I belong to!! You can too!!
At every chance I get, I will step away from the bills,
telephone, etc. and view the world as a wonderland!
I will:
Walk barefoot in the grass
Chew bubblegum and blow the biggest bubbles!
Look at the clouds to see shapes
Realize weeds can be as pretty as flowers
Tell corny jokes and laugh my head off
Make funny faces
Chase butterflies
Jump and splash in the water
Look at people through unpredujiced eyes
Lick the bowl Tickle someone
Build a sandcastle, or make mud-pies
Discover the beauty of a bug
Believe in castles, faeries and dragons
Look for rainbows Dance in the rain
Watch birds
Actually stop and smell the roses
Tell people that I love them and that they are my friend!