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Alaska & Russia Trip
  1. Photos from Alaska & Russia Trip

Awards and Thanks
  1. Web site awards and thanks

Biographical Selections:
  1. Engle - PA - 10 Families
  2. George W. Mack - PA
  1. Rosedale Cemetery, Orange,NJ
  2. Woodland Cemetery, Irvington Newark,NJ
  3. Forty Fort Cemetery, Forty Fort,PA
  4. Pittston Cemeteries: Civil War Veterans
    Pittston, Market Street, Church Hill, West Pittston, Brick Church, Brown, Hamtown, Jenkins,and Mr. Zion Cemetery
  5. Easton Cemetery: Johann Peter Seip Headstone

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City Directory:
  1. Wilkes-Barre,PA (1871-1960) - Engle/Engel
  2. Wilkes-Barre,PA (1871-1960) - Knarr/Kanarr
  3. Newark, New Jersey (1905-1920) - Althen
  4. Newark, New Jersey (1850-1925) - Keehner/Kechner
  5. Newark, New Jersey (1850-1925) - Morrison/Mourison/Mowerson


Civil War Records:
  1. George W. Engle
  2. Knarr's in PA units
  3. Mock's in the Civil War
  4. 143rd PA Regiment - Narrative
  5. 143rd PA Regiment - Officers
  6. 143rd PA VOLS - Company A
  7. 143rd PA VOLS - Company G
  8. 143rd PA VOLS - Company K
Please Vote For Me for one of the Top 100 Civil War Sites!

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Family Tree Reports:

  1. Charles Althen & Martha R. Morrison Descendants
  2. David Albert Kinney (1776-1854) & Mary Mowry Descendants
  3. Abraham Morrison (1824-1904)& Hannah Rodwell Descendants
  4. James VanSyckle (1805-1892)& Margaret Johnson Descendants

Irish Records:

  1. My new Aghada Parish, County Cork, Ireland site
  2. Aghada Parish, Co. Cork, Hart - Birth Records Ireland
  3. Aghada Parish, Co. Cork, Holmes / Holms - Birth Records Ireland
  4. Aghada Parish, Co. Cork, Hart & Holmes & Harty - Marriage Records Ireland
  5. Aghada Parish, County Cork Birth Records (A & B up)
  6. Aghada Parish, County Cork Marriage Records (not up yet)

Lehigh County, PA:
Lehigh County Births 1734 - 1800
  1. Knerr, Knoer, Knoerr, Mack

Lowhill Township
  1. Lowhill First Settlers
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Marriage Records:
  1. Luzerne County Court House,Wilkes-Barre,PA

Naturalization Records:
  1. ENGLE/ENGEL - Wilkes-Barre, PA
  2. KNERR/KNARR - Wilkes-Barre, PA

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Back Issues of The MOCK Family Historian:

  1. Back Issues of The Mock Family Historian
  2. My new Mock / Mack site

  1. Frances Engel - 1878

  2. George Washington Engle - 1921
  3. Andreas C. Keehner - 1854
  4. David Keehner - 1891
  5. John C. Keehner - 1853
  6. John Wilford Keehner - 1898
  7. Lydia Peck Munn Keehner - 1876
  8. Samuel Levi Keehner, Jr. - 1900
  9. Elizabeth Mock Knarr - 1898
  10. Ira Munn - 1905


Ships: Passenger List:

Richard and Mary - Sept. 26, 1752

Mixed Ships:Engle/Engel/Ingel, Harte/Hart, Knori/Knauer, Mock, Fenstermacher, Hartman

Social Security Forms:

  1. Charles Wayne Althen - March 15, 1896

  2. Henry William Althen - March 1, 1883

  3. Ivan Lester Fisk - May 22, 1887

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  1. New Jersey Vital Records Link

  2. New Jersey Clickable Map

  3. Pennsylvania Clickable Map

  4. US GenWeb Project

  5. Last update: February 20, 1998 by John Fuller,

  6. Mack / Mock Connections:
    This is a new URL -
    Visit the MOCK FAMILY HISTORIAN Home Page

    Explore the Mock/Mauck/Mauk/Mack archives

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Compiled and edited by Sandra Hart
HTML coding by Sandra Hart
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Last modified: 25 May 2004
Copyright (c) 1996-2004, All Rights Reserved
Sandra Hart
- 1391 Meadowbrook RD NE -
Palm Bay, FL 32905

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