SheWolf's LeafPile


"My name is SheWolf and I would like to give you an opportunity to check out our home and perhaps join us."

"This site is for all of God's creatures, however our main focus is the Wolves who only wish to live peacefully without fear of being hunted while raising their young and maintaining a natural life, free from poachers, hunters and other human beings who are bent on killing them off."

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

"The ASPCA is a very important animal's group created for the soul purpose of protecting the rights of all living creatures everywhere. This organization is the fore-runner, deeply involved, dedicated to the animal population. "

"Wolves are a very important element to nature and the circle of life. Their pack is structured around family values as ours should be. It is our duty to protect them NOT to destroy the wolf."


"Everyone has a charity they are involved in or associate with by personal experiance. However with us, the number one is HIV/AIDS, especially that which deals with children."

"To Advocate for the kids just put in your zip code to find representives in your area and help us reach them by allowing your voice to be heard. So go ahead and contact your legislators today. Let's speak up for the kids sake!"

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness,
Nothing so gentle as real strength."
~Coyote Thunder.~

"So, support the fight, get involved!."

"Remember - It only takes one person and it'll mean a lifetime to reap the benefits."

"Also don't forget to check out Amnesty International's Campaigne to save Durfur, just click on the link below to help out; also add your name in support."


"Here are a few pediatric websites that you can check out. the first one is called "Educate to Eliminate" and the second is a sister to this list, its name is Pediatric AIDS WorldWide. Both can be found by clicking on the banners below."

"WolfLair Pediatric AIDS was started in May of 2006 after reading the book by Elizabeth Glaser entitled "In The Absence of Angels" and being involved with the first two other lists. I felt it was time to get involved and fight for children all over the world."

"Thus I split SheWolf's WolfLair into two seperate groups/lists. Taking the fight for children to a higher ground; becoming more directly involved; to make a difference while still helping animal-kind."

"Pages last updated 8. 14. 2008"

Mae Tibbetts - Copyright 1999; All rights Reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.