BitterSweet: a magazine for women

With the success of our first issue behind us, we are ready to move on and bring you more features. Unfortunately we have been experiencing some technical problems, things haven't progessed as quickly as we originally intended. But fear not, we've got fresh blood (ok, new writers) and are ready to go. Many thanks to readers' support, patience, and postive comments. They mean a lot to us.

This month, we have the usual latest news, our guides have been revamped and updated, but that's not all. Check out our first ever Knock-off Mission on one of Bobbi Brown most popular lipstick, and our Editor's Pick. All the new features can be found in our mega Beauty section.

We have a few ambitious projects coming up that we are all very excited about, including a members section, a directory for our Hong Kong readers, and by-demand, a teen section. It's all coming up...

With love,
Saoin * = recently updated or new features.

All Coming Up:

Beauty *
Our mammoth section including product reviews, tips (geared toward Asians) and make-overs.

Santa's Little Helper Gift Guide *
With christmas rolling around, we decided to give you a special seasonal feature. It also has some great ideas for birthday gifts.

Our Favourite Bookmarks

After Thoughts
Tell us what you think of our website.

Feature: Still a Cup A
Suz tells us it's really like to be less well endowed.

Have you ever encountered racism? Got problems with strict parents?
How did you deal? Share it on the board.

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