ink-and-paper friendly
Our print version is trimmed down (shortened to note form) just for reference, and we've also changed the text color to black (rather than soft brown) to help you save color ink.
It will still come out to 5 pages (the font looks squintingly small on screen after we reduced it, but it prints out to decent font size). Try reducing the margins (Internet Explorer users, click on File, then Page Setup. Reduce the left side, right side, bottom and top margin, so your printer can use up more space on the paper).
And finally please please please use scrap paper if you can.
We suggest that you take time to read the full picture and text version first. You can always save it and read
in spare time. To save internet files, click on File (at the top of your screen), click Save As, choose the directory you want to save it in, and click Save. It will be saved as an internet (html) file you can read with Netscape or Internet Explorer later. Then
you can make a note of which lines you want to check out (highlight or underline your printed list). Alternatively you can still check your email and visit our guide at some cafes like Pacific Coffee or the restaurant in Log-On.
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