They can be the noisiest, chattiest creatures God ever created. I can remember my mother telling me that she never worried about me when I left the yard to play. Even when she couldn't see me, she could always Hear me. At one time she threatened to enter me either in a yell-in or a talkathon.
Girls are supposed to be fashion conscience. I liked frilly dresses, but I loved my older brother's out-grown blue jeans and plaid shirts. Once, my brother even offered to give up his allowance if our mom would buy me a dress. Then he demanded that I give back his cap guns and holster!
How he hated to see me run down the street, trying to keep my britches up because his cap guns kept pulling them down. While my brother felt I should wear a dress at all times, be quiet, and act like a lady; my mother hated to see special occasions when I needed to dress up. The day before the big event, I would either fall down and skin my knee or I would run into something and get a black eye. Sometines, I did both. One of my favorite games was to run from the front door, through the house, to the refrigerator, back and forth. One day, while I was doing this, our puppy sat in a doorway just watching. I was so busy watching the puppy's head follow me, that I ran right into the refrigerator. I got a black eye and a big bump on my forehead, not to mention the lecture about how the next day was a holiday and I looked like I had been beaten. But the next day, we went to church with smiles and bruises. Everyone just wanted to know what I had run into this time.
At an early age, I learned that big brothers meant extra money. I could earn money for doing his chores, from not tormenting him and his friends, and by leaving him alone with his dates. The best part was, Mom never caught on to my con game or blackmail business.
By the time I started school, I had learned that little boys were good pals. They were always willing to start a bike race, play kick ball, get into a water fight, or what ever game we could think up. Since we lived in the city, our playground was a vacant lot and the street. One day, we took some road barricades from the park and blocked off our street so we could play kick ball without watching for cars. The result was not much fun when the police showed up and made us take the barricades back to the park.
There were times when we behaves as little girls "should". We loved to dress up in our mothers discarded clothes and pretends to be high fashion models. How we ever managed to never sprain an ankle walking in spike heels that were way to large for us, I'll never know. Dolls were a major part of our pretend world. Baby dolls for playing house with, Barbie dolls when we wanted to pretend to be other things. Rainy days and dolls went together.
When I was ill, I got to lay in my parents big bed and watch TV or listen to the radio. Many days I could watch the same show that I had on the radio. Of course, we had not heard of stereo at this time. Another good thing about my parents bed, it was big! One game I liked, was to bunch up their blankets so it made a "paublo village", then use marbles for pretend people. The marbles would race each other down the groves in the blankets or hide in the "caves". That is until the day I forgot to pick the marbles up. When my parents went to bed that night, the marbles began to click together. My mother jumped out of bed thinking my brother had put a rattlesnake in there. Can you imagine their faces when they discovered that it was just my marbles?
I was never afraid of bugs, just rodents, worms, snakes and big dogs. I like to collect bugs in a jar and sneak them into my room. But, I usually got caught. First it was the lightening bugs that got free in The early hours of the morning and flew into the bathroom. My mom thought we had been invaded by martians. Then there was the time I collected "flying ants" only to learn that they were termites and were eating my bed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After that one, I gave up bug collecting!
Fortunately, for both me and my parents, we survived my childhood. Looking back, it ended too soon. I went to bed one night full of fanatics, and woke in the morning in a real world. The door to my fantastic imaginary world was lock shut. My mother's wish for me was to grow up and have a little girl just like me. I grew up, had three sons who were worse, but now my grand daughter is reopening the door to my fantasy world.
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