Welcome to my little green corner!

This is a time of transition for my garden.

Dainty little flower Spring is pretty exciting here in Central Texas. But I don't live in Central Texas anymore. Lots of wildflowers decorate our roadways and there's a lot of planting going on. Plans for this year's garden include 17 varieties of tomatoes, at least 8 varieties of hot peppers, 5 kinds of basil, and 3 different colors of eggplants and lots of herbs, melons, cucumbers, squash, beans, and corn. As an experiment, I'm gloing to try my hand at growing artichoke this year.

Herbs and vegtables are my primary interests but I still have a few flowers blooming in the front yard. Having recently moved to a much larger space, my interest in flowers is expanding to match.

I grow almost everything from seed and I have a fondness for the odd-ball and eccentric varieties. This choice isn't merely ęsthetic; it stems from a concern for preserving genetic biodiversity as well. Many of my strangely-shaped and strangely-colored vegetables are heirloom varieties, not widely available and in great need of preservation. Further on down the page, I list some of my favorite seed suppliers.

Hand-drawn, homegrown tomato


Photo Name Details Source

Yellow Pear Indeterminate, sets small fruit consistently through the heat of the summer, heirloom. A favorite. Seeds of Change

Marvel Striped Golden fruit with orange streaks Seeds of Change

Brandywine Heirloom, reputed to have best flavor of any tomato, potato-leaf Seeds of Change

OG 50
(Park's Improved Whopper)
Lots of disease resistance Park's Seeds

Olympia hybrid Standard red tomato Totally Tomatoes

Libra hybrid Standard red tomato Totally Tomatoes

Black Krim Russian variety only recently available in US Totally Tomatoes

Micro-Tom Barbie Tomatoes!! Pea-sized fruits set on 8 to 10 in plants. Great flavor and just as cute as can be. Totally Tomatoes

Green Zebra Two-toned green stripes even when dead ripe Totally Tomatoes

Double Rich Twice the Vitamin C of average tomatoes Seeds of Change

Peacevine Cherry Indeterminate, sets small fruit through the heat of the summer, outstanding flavor Seeds of Change

Arkansas Traveler Variety well-suited to hot climates. Seed Savers Exchange

Black Plum Amish heirloom variety. Seeds of Change

White Beauty Pale-fleshed, mild flavor. Totally Tomatoes

Mayo Hybrid Generally, I don't grow sterile hybrids, but I got the seeds for free. Totally Tomatoes

Kada Hybrid Another free hybrid from the good folks at Totally Tomatoes

Giant Oxheart Large, slightly-pointed fruits, deep mahogany color. Totally Tomatoes
"In the garden of thy heart, plant naught but the rose of love."

I'm happy to share seeds with anyone who'd like to grow some of my odd veggies. If you're interested, just fill out this handy form.

Some of my favorite gardening sites:
Aggie Horticulture An online agricultural extension service sponsored by Texas A&M University
Wildseed Farms Largest working wildflower farm in the world, located in Fredricksburg, TX
Apart from the garden, my interests include:

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