FranApple Free Graphics


Always remember that
you are the
"Apple of God's eye."

In 1980 at the worst time of my life God found me. I have been a work in progress since then.

Then I found the promise of Jesus in John 14:16 - 27.
He has held my hand since then.

Page updated August 2002

Depression in a child is difficult....
But they do recover with your support! You can Recover TOO!

PTSD takes away your hopes and makes it impossible to dream or succeed.
Confront it !!!!!
Conquer it !!!!!!!

Take back your Power
Make the Abuser!!!!---the LOSER!!!

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

Mine starts now!
"the bluebird of happiness"

Business Site FranApple'

Please come back often and please e-mail me

One generation opens the road
upon which
another generation travels.
-Chinese Proverb

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