Smith College Club
West of Boston

(founded as the Smith College Club of Wellesley in 1943)





including Program, Reply Form, President's Letter and Board Members' Reports

Board 2004–2005

Smith College Club West of Boston (founded as the Smith College Club of Wellesley in 1943) is a regional alumnae organization independent of, but affiliated with, the Alumnae Association of Smith College

The club created this web site to provide members with an updated program of club events and to make announcements of unscheduled activities that arise during the year. We invite you to bookmark this site and return often for additional club news.

This web site was created by and for Smith College Club West of Boston (founded as the Smith College Club of Wellesley in 1943). Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith alumnae. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Accuracy of the information on this page cannot be guaranteed.

Smith College and the Alumnae Association of Smith College are not responsible for the content of this page. Responsibility for the page and its content belongs solely to Smith College Club West of Boston (founded as the Smith College Club of Wellesley in 1943).

Page updated 01/04/06. Web site design and
maintenance by Audrey Anderson, '85,
Folio Publishing Services.