We must all find the beauty and magic in our life.
There is beauty all around us, and within us.
What can we do when we feel we have lost
the magic? what can we do when we no longer
see the beauty, the beauty around us or the beauty
within us.  It is always there, only sometimes we
feel it has been stripped from our very soul,we feel
as though somehow we have been left behind, that maybe
others are the lucky ones. Maybe they were just born
with a gift of magic and beauty, or maybe we do not
deserve to feel or see these things.  At some point
I think we all have been on the down side of these
things. The question is , what can we do when we
are on the down side? what can we do to put the beauty
and magic back into our lives?
There are so many things in life we are now
trying so hard to figure out, Who are we? What is our
purpose here? Why must I endure all this pain? Why
am I sick? ect.ect. That, what we actually do is
spend more of our time trying to structure our lives and
what comes into it at this time is full
of negativity. What we really need to learn to do
at these times is be at peace with whatever comes our
our way and learn to open up the right way for the
positive forces to enter our life and do the work.
These pages will be about different ways to achieve
these levels of "Higher" thinking or consciousness.
Through my own experiences and that of others who
have learned through trial and error, years of pain
and suffering, heartache and tears to finally have found
and achieved ways of pulling yourself up out of almost
any difficult situation.
One of the first things to realize is there is a purpose
in everything, and in everything we go through.
I like to view the times of our growing like the
"Phoenix rising from the ashes"
Sometimes the most difficult thing to embrace is the
fact that we do in deed "weave" our life, just as the
spider weaves her web with magic and beauty.
There are lessons for us in everything, and sometimes
the lessons can be so hard ,we focus on the "hard"
part and do not leave the door open for the answer
of the lesson to enter. We are not being punished by
any lesson we endure, this is a toughy, sometimes it's
hard to get out of the "why me" plea, "what have I
done that is so bad that I deserve this". We have all
been there at some point. The question is,"Do you want
to remain where you are?" or do you want to move on ?
to remain is to become stagnant, to move on is to grow.
Beauty and Magic comes from "Within" it can not
be found in the outer parts of ourselves. It does not come
from another person or thing, It does not come from
that "special" someone. The Beauty and Magic within
us comes from finding and connecting to that higher
divine energy within us.
It comes from "seeing" all things as the higher divine
energy that they are. But in order to see other things
one must first go within and start with the inner child
within. There must be a healing of your inner child to
start to grow on your spiritual path. This is the beginning
of the road. There are many way's to start this process,
one can start doing meditations and ask to be led to
the inner child, once this takes place ask the child his or
her name. get to know the child, then you can ask the
child what it is that needs to be worked on. As
you progress through these meditations and really
get to know the inner child well, then you can move on to
getting rid of the "blockages" you and your inner child
have created. Envision yourself and your inner child on
a beach, there is a long pier along this beach, on this
pier are stacks of blocks that represent your blockages,
you each take turns throwing these blocks into the ocean
until no more remain. Then allow your child to guide you
from here. There are also people gifted in the area
of guiding you through this if you are not comftorable at
When we realize that our "thoughts" are actually
the Most Powerful Energy in the Universe,
we learn to "really" watch what we think. For what we
think about, comes about.
 World Wide online  Meditation Center
Wheel of Earth  Wisdom