The Elements


Rulers: Sylphs who inhabit the world of trees, winds, and flowers
Attracted by: oils, incense
Color: red or yellow
Direction: East
Tools: incense, bells
Symbols: breath, wind, communication, thought, feathers, music and instruments, poetry, songs, birds, butterflies, fairies
Ritual: Dawn, sunrise, Spring, herbal knowledge, plant growth, travel, finding lost things
Stones: clear quartz, snow quartz, blue lace agate, turquoise
Cloud and Wind goddesses: North Wind, Isis


Rulers: Salamanders
Attracted by: candles, lamps, fire
Color: white or red
Direction: South
Tools: athame, candles, burned herbs or requests written on paper
Symbols: lightning, volcanoes, rainbow, Sun, stars
Ritual: Summer, noon, change, love, energy, healing, purification, destruction
Stones: carnelian, tiger eye, ruby, garnet
Fire goddesses: Lucina, Amaterasu, Chantico, Pele


Rulers: Undines and those who live in the sea, lakes, and streams
Attracted by: water, washes, solutions
Color: gray or blue
Direction: West
Tools: Cauldron, chalice, mirror, shells,
Symbols: oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, rain, mist, fog
Ritual: Fall, sunset, emotions, taste and smell, communion with the spiritual, friendships, happiness, dreams, forgiveness
Stones: opal, blue quartz, pearls
Water goddesses: Yemaya, Tethys, Ondine, Aphrodite, Sarasvati


Rulers: Gnomes who inhabit the interior of the Earth and are the consciousness of gems and minerals
Attracted by: salts, powders
Color: black or green
Direction: North
Tools: salt, stones, gems, trees, cord magic
Symbols: stones, mountains, soil, caves, body, flesh, bone, coins, pine cones
Ritual: night, midnight, Winter, riches and money, surrendering self-will, employment, stability
Stones: smoky quartz, obsidian, onyx, moss agate, jade, green aventurine
Earth goddesses: Gaia, Demeter

We are the earth.

Earth is stardust-come-to-life, a magic cauldron
where the heart of the universe is being formed. In
me, the Earth and its creatures find their voice.
Through my eyes the stars look back on themselves in
wonder. I am the earth. This is my body.

We are the air.

Air is the breath of the Earth, the movement of life,
the quick, violent storm, and the slow, caressing
breeze. In my breathing, life is received and given
back. My breath unites me to all things, to the crea-
tures that make the oxygen, and to the people that
share the same breath: yesterday a victim of AIDS; today
a soldier in the Middle East; tomorrow, a poor woman
in the Third World. I am air. This is my breath.

We are fire.

Fire is the energy of the universe, the source of
power and new life. In my thoughts burn the fires of
the original eruption of life; in my emotions, lightning
flashes; in my love, new life is conceived. I participate
in power. I share in the energy of the universe, to keep
warm, to fuel my body, to create my relationships. I
am fire. This is my power.

We are water.

Water is the womb of the Earth, from which all life
is born. The oceans flow through the Earth, bringing
abundance; the oceans flow through me, carrying
food, recycling waste, expressing emotions. I am water.
This is my life.

--Daniel Martin

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Element signs © Robin Wood 1997 Used with permission