
This webpage is dedicated
to my mother, Jane Ramsey Hawking, nee Forster,
my country, Australia, my family and beliefs.

Kelp divider

I have chosen the Platypus to feature on my homepage as it is a mammal unique to Australia and also on the Latrobe Municiple Council standard. We now live in George Town a lovely little community nestled between an ocean beach and the Tamar River. It is the third oldest town in Australia and now has a population of about 7,000.

A brief introduction to myself is that I am 64 years old, married with 3 grown children, 6 wonderful grandchildren, a patient husband, love of life, computers, a dream for a socially just and humane society, and have nursed, worked as a social worker and could be described as Manic!!!

My website describes the life of my mother,
Jane Forster-Hawking,
and tells of a journey across the world,
by ship 'S.S. New Australia', in the '50's,
a family of 'Ten Pound Poms',
and focuses on social issues such as the very difficult one of Euthanasia.
Hopefully the site will also give visitors an insight into life in Australia and a feeling for my pride in being a Christian living in the The Great Southern Land.

We wish all visitors and their families,
Best wish for the Christmas Season
and a safe and happy journey through the year of 2009.

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