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If Tears Could Build A Stairway, and Memories A Lane,
I'd Walk Right Up To Heaven and Bring You Home Again!...........

Visit a Page Dedicated to My Dad:
(click the picture)
We Miss You So Very Much!!

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NOVEMBER is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

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Proud to be a "Lilly"

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Welcome to my little portion of this ever growing world of the internet. Relax and enjoy your visit. Please leave me a message and let me know you were here !! Sign my guestbook and I will visit your page !! The WWW is Truly making this A Small World Afterall !!
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Life's Sunshine

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My Beanie Babies Page

November is
Lung Cancer

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To Ellen's Small World on the WWW!!

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       I live in West Hamlin, a VERY SMALL TOWN, in Lincoln County, West Virginia
I was born, the third child of James E. and Barbara Ellen (Ferguson) Richardson, on October 12, 1961 at Thomas Memorial Hospital at South Charleston, in Kanawha County, West Virginia.
I have 2 WONDERFUL Brothers.
I grew up in Cross Lanes, Kanawha County, WV.  I attended Point Harmony Elementary School for grades 1 - 5, then Cross Lanes Elementary for the 6th grade.   I attended Andrew Jackson Junior High School, and Graduated from Nitro High School on June 5,  1979. 
As a child, and young adult, I attended the best Summer Camp in the WORLD !!   The company my father worked for, Union Carbide. sponsored a wonderful summer youth camp program. As a pre-teen I attended Camp Cliffside in Alum Creek, WV.  Camp Cliffside closed, so as a 4th year camper for the "little kids" session, I spent my first WONDERFUL 2 week session at Camp Carlisle on Blue Creek, near Clendenin, WV.  I was in "LOVE", in love with a Magical Place !!! I attended another 2 week session that summer, and the following 4 summers I attended at least 2 sessions during the "big kids" sessions. The summer I was a 4th year camper, 1976, I was chosen as an "honor camper" which allowed me to go back the next summer as a Junior Counselor, (J.C.), I went three sessions that summer, 1977, I worked 2 sessions at the boys camp, and 1 at the girls camp. The next summer, 1978, I was a 2nd year C.I.T., and went 2 sessions, I retired after that year from going to camp, so I could get married. The boys camp was "Camp Camelot, it was approximately a mile away from Carlisle.  These years spent at Carbide Camp were honestly the best years of my pre-adult life !!

I'm Carlisle born and Carlisle bred, and when I die, I'll be Carlisle dead, so hoorah for Carlisle, hoorah for Carlisle, hoorah for Camp Carlisle !!!!

I married on June 30, 1979 to Glen, the oldest son of Donald and Lois.
We located our home in Lincoln County and have been here since. 
We have 2 wonderful daughters, Valerie and Michele. 

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My interests are:  
First and always Foremost,
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My Family!! 
Friends, and Others,
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RV'ing, Camping,

Riding 4-Wheelers,
 (my Wolverine!)

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Myrtle Beach,  

GNCC Racing Paul Koontz  East Coast
Series Racing
My Hubby!!
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the WWW!!
Music, & Dancing, dancers.gif (802 bytes)

I Love working on Web Sites, and writing HTML !!
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I also Love LINKS,  Graphics, Sounds, and Web Rings

I Have and Overflowing Collection of  TY BEANIE BABIES,clubby.gif (5676 bytes)
I started collecting them in December of 1998,
(Thanks to TORY !!), and have around 800 of them now.  Unfortunately I had to stop collecting these obsessions, I no longer have room for them.  ;>)
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I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit here in my Small World.


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I Designed the website for the Lilly Family Reunion, the biggest Family Reunion in the U.S.A. !!! Please check it out:


CarbideLogo.gif (3310 bytes) Summer Youth Camps CarbideLogo.gif (3310 bytes)
1946 - 1982 (Bob Lilley):

Cliffside Shield
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Camelot Shield

Welcome Back to Camelot:
  (Randy Rice)
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Trip to Camp -
Monday June 18, 2001

I will try to get the pictures to Bob, Soon.

  The Catlisle - Camelot Songbook!
Picture of Original Songbook Cover

Now On-Line,
Thanks to Bob Lilley.

"The Lady of the Lake"

Please download Java(tm).

The Lady of the Lake with "Excalibur"
Please download Java(tm).


A letter printed by the Charleston, WV Gazette-Mail, in 1983. T

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a spot;
For one brief shining moment,
That was known as Camelot ..."

Rest in Peace, Camelot and Carlisle


This letter should more rightfully appear on the obituary page, for it is a notice of death -- the death of Camps Camelot and Carlisle, Union Carbide Corp.'s employees' children's camps. June 13 marked the day the camps should have opened for their 35th year, and August 13 should have been the day they closed for the season, but instead, they have lain in silence as the woods and the animals move in to inhabit them once more.

In a lush green valley in the eastern part of Kanawha County along a stream called Blue Creek, the camps served as a summer home to more than 25,000 children and staff members during its life. This is not mere personification, for they were alive -- alive with people of all ages from the youngest campers to a cook who was over 70 years old. The campers and staff were the lifeblood of Camps Camelot and Carlisle. They were the children and grandchildren of UCC employees, mostly from the Kanawha Valley. But the blood no longer flows.

Camelot and Carlisle died a cruel and unnatural death, the victims of people who, as St. Exupery's Little Prince said, "... are concerned more with matters of consequence, than matters of the heart." These are people who have no feeling for the value of the magic of the glow of a campfire in the face of a child, the sound of a whippoorwill, or the peace of an early morning trail ride on horseback. They have never known or, more tragically, have forgotten what it is like to be a child -- to get gooseflesh from seeing foxfire in the trees, from hearing a screech owl, or from the sound of a song at an evening serenade.

The camps will remain forever in the memories of those of us who had the privilege of participating, growing more and more perfect than they actually were. It saddens me to know that their experience will no longer enter into the memories of new campers, and that my children will be unable to receive the legacy.

I am lucky, for I have the memory of the sound of the old steam locomotive bell that announced the days and their activities. Indeed, it is as if I were there when it rang for the last time on Blue Creek. As long as I remember that, the camps will live inside me, and inside others who have shared the experience. For, "the thing that is important is the thing that is not seen."

This, like any obituary, will only be meaningful to the loved ones of the deceased, so I beg the indulgence of other readers. I also salute those who risked challenging their management to try to save Camelot and Carlisle. It was a valiant effort in spite of the outcome.

"Here, then, is a great mystery. For you who love the little prince, and for me, nothing in the universe can be the same if somewhere, we do not know where, a sheep that we never saw has -- yes or no? -- eaten a rose..." He has.

W. S. Mease, Charleston


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Samantha Burns......Still MISSING Never Forgotten!!!

This is the State Police Page, Samantha is listed near the top of the page.

This is a website for Samantha

Most important, please remember Samantha and her family and friends in your prayers.

If you are not

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The History of the WWW

From: The Beginning of the WWW, By Tim Berners Lee::

Examples of early WWW hypertext

Q: What was the first web page?

A:Apart from local "file:" URLs on my machine (which was the first browser as well as the first server), the first http one (end of 1990) was basically   An alias was made so that this was later known as It is not now (alas) served but a later (1992) copy of the original pages exists at

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E-Mail me, View My Guestbook , Sign My Guestbook , Awards / Rewards ,

Friendship is Life's Sunshine , My Favorites, Lincoln Ring, My Family,

Web Rings I am in., My Resume, My Beanie Babies Page,

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

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I Don't Think I will ~
James Bonamy

Hold it right there, don't say a word
I hear a voice I've never heard
Calling my name, saying "This is the one!
Oh my goodness, what have you done?"
I could turn around and walk away
Saying this is too good to be real
But oh no, I don't think I will

Because I absolutely positively know
Without a doubt
You're becoming someone I just
Could not live without
I was so afraid I'd spend my whole life not
Knowing how this feels
But oh no, I don't think I will

I could just do what I've done before
Blame it all on the moon, say it's nothing more
Than the pull of the tides, and it's gonna pass
But something's telling me, this time it's gonna last
I could close my eyes and just pretend
I don't feel the way I feel
But oh no, I don't think I will

Because I absolutely positively know
Without a doubt
You're becoming someone I just
Could not live without
I was so afraid I'd spend my whole life not
Knowing how this feels
But oh no, I don't think I
Oh yeah, I don't think I
Oh no, I don't think...I will

There is ONE other person who knows what the above song means to me!
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