This is What  
is to me. 
Much of my spirituality has little to do with religion. 
I discovered many years ago that there is a very big  
difference between the two. 
The closest I come to religion in my beliefs is to the pagans, 
I believe that there is a God/Goddess that cares for me, that is  
tied in with caring for the Earth.The Australian Aboriginal concept  
of 'The Dreaming' also holds a lot of meaning for me. This is that  
you can learn from the things around you about what is, what was,  
and what will be.There are many stories of The Dreaming, but  
you can also simply watch your world yourself and take the lessons  
it gives. I also believe that there are many things in life that  
I can care for that add to my spiritual wellbeing, such as the  
environment, animals, other people, and my own body and mental  
health. As far as other religions go, I have a lot of respect for the  
Baha'i Faith, who believe in equality for all and maintaining world  
peace. These are most certainly priorities for me as well. 
The major problem I have with organised religions is that they  
mostly have built in to them that women have low status.  
I do not accept that. 
I feel that the most spiritual, intuitive part of me, the part with  
the most depth and strength, is my femininity. 
I also have problems with religions being a construct of other 
people. The way that religions are structured usually means that  
there are leaders that the other participants are expected to obey  
or follow. I feel that spirituality is an intensely personal matter  
and that no person has the right to tell another what they  
should, or should not, believe.  
So, if I have said what spiritualty is NOT, perhaps I had better  
say what it IS to me! 
The things in life that make people feel good, like beautiful  
scenery; the love of others; the stranger who cares for you and  
smiles; the feeling you get when you look at a newborn baby;  
the intense pleasure of doing something you know to be right, even  
though it is very difficult to do; the warmth of home; the  
nurturing of, and respect for, the human body and mind, all living  
things and the world we live in; a love of the people who make  
up my ancestry and respect for the people who acted out the great  
events in the history of the world. These things are spiritual. 
So too is the ability to laugh, to see the world through the 
eyes of a child, to feel safe, and to know that you are a  
wonderful, essential, unique part of the World. 
I also believe that there is a Power greater than myself that  
loves and nurtures me, cares about my life, and sees that I am  
always O.K. I talk to this Power as a friend.  
My deepest instincts tell me that this Power is responsible  
for the good things in life but does not have power over  
death. I cannot comprehend the concept that a Higher Power  
would punish the innocent or cause them pain and suffering or take  
them from those they love. It seems more likely to me that this 
concept was designed by religious leaders to keep others in line. 
The fear of punishment has always been one of the great tools  
used by religions to control people. I have no desire to be  
I believe that my destiny is to be happy, joyous and free. 


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