This shelter of mine is open to all who wish to come and sit a spell. Please make yourself comfortable I'll certainly find you a comfy chair and offer a friendly smile, an ear or even some sound advice. Oh, rest assured, my friend, I never presume to speak unless spoken to, for I know the value of quiet thought and the safety of shelter from life's harried pace.
As you dare to cross this stream we tend to look at the possibilities of dangerous waters. Our friends the Wolf are not afraid of anything except humans. We are the ones that take their lives unnecessarily because we are unaware of just how wonderful they really are.
I will fight for their survival with all my heart and soul as they have been my protector for a number of years now. I just know that they are along side of me as I travel along testing one hurdle at a time.
Deep down in your hearts you are probably not aware of the fact that you to have a guardian. Take a look at how you are walking and what you are seeing, hearing, and listening to unless you are just looking straight ahead of your steps. I used to walk like this but not anymore. I want to observe all that is around me at all times. Our friends are everywhere even though you can not hear or see them. Maybe it's time that the world wakes up and takes notice.
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