Elizabeth Anne VanderPutten - A Christmas Card by Maurice, 1993

  Hi Elizabeth,

I hope that this card finds both you and 'Big Brother' in good health and spirits. I know that by now Brian has made reservations for a month on the white sands of some beach in sunny Mexico and you I'm sure have packages and paper and ribbon all over the place. I ask you Elizabeth, how did life exist before "scotch tape?" I'm not old enough to remember and of course it was way before your time so ask Brian will you. I'm sure he remembers.


  It's cold, sunny and white -- in Utah -- a good time for a drive in the mountains in a Jeep. Come join us for Christmas dinner. We're having brazed mallard duck and Irish pot roast. Have you ever had a good Caesar salad? Well I have a recipe for a Christmas salad that while not as good as a Caesar, it comes mighty close. We would love to have you.

Merry Christmas to you both.