Elizabeth Anne VanderPutten - One Week in My Family's Lives

From time to time, summaries of some of the events that went into making up the lives of my VanderPutten family (with or without spaces or hyphens) will be added here.
The Week of May 13, 2001

This week in the history of Peter (Pieter) VanderPutten's family, Peggy had her 39th birthday; Elizabeth II (aka Liz Zapp) was about to celebrate hers; Barbara got a gig in a nudist camp; and Martha, Doris, Laurie, Meg, Toni, Jill, Dawn, Pat, Joan, Ruth, and Peggy all returned safely to reality from their Mother's Day festivities! 

Meanwhile, Elizabeth I (aka Betty Anne) and Brian finished the first draft of "A Taste of Florida," which is based on their February trip. (Unless you have a lot of spare time, there may be more about Florida than will be of immediate interest.) 

Also she, Elizabeth I (aka Betty Anne), was about to leave for a weekend in New York to have lunch with her dad, spend some time with brother Dick and Peggy, and attend a book signing and party for one of her former students who has "made it," (i.e., finished his Ph.D. in animal psychology), and has become (as he is pleased to refer to himself), the "Nationally Renown Pet Behaviorist/Author...Dr. Larry." 

Elsewhere in the East Coast Conference, Jean and Bob planted their garden and she hosted the final Mycology Society meeting for this year at her hospital. 

Laurie of the Southwest Conference "...had another yet mild seizure, a MRI, lab work, got my drugs upped (you thought I was medicated before!) And, oh what the heck, that's enough fun for anyone, right? I get to hang insulation and get ready for the drywall/plaster guys to come in now. PARTY, PARTY..." 

Elizabeth II (aka Liz Zapp) wrote that among the highlights of her week was "physical therapy -- trigger point injections. Yesterday I spent the day at the Central Park Zoo for a seminar and Gorilla Program ... no I didn't play the gorilla! The park was glorious... lots of flowers and so green! Tonight we're going to a 'coffee house' to hear a folk singer. Tomorrow is a meeting of the quilters group I belong to."   

It sounds like Jill had her hands full this week. "I helped Carole-Anne learn new exercises for her arthritis, and helped her learn which medicines to take when so she doesn't have to always rely on me. Carole-Anne and I also spent the week, playing games and going her homework, and talking about all the things she can and cannot do due to her illness. Luke on the other hand had a very productive week in school. He was caught cheating on his spelling test, pushing someone out of the lunch line, and smashing pretzels on the cafeteria floor with his feet, apparently trying to start a John Belushi type food fight. So of course, what he will be doing for the rest of his week, is spending it in his room." (Sounds like Luke had his hands full too!)

Barbara from the Far West Conference wrote, "Monday - an evening at home; Tues - I had chorus rehearsal; Wed - Went to a Support Network Billiards Gala; Thurs - We had quartet rehearsal; Fri - Bachelorette Party for a friend; Sat - I have an all-day directing workshop; Sun - Brunch with a friend; then to Petraglyphs where you paint your own ceramic molds; Sun night - COLLAPSE!!!!"   (She signed herself, "Sleepless in Silicon Valley") 

(Batching it) Thomas got his wife back "...after she spent a week of drudgery in Key West (somebody's got to do it.)  The week before she and I spent a few days looking at possible retirement locations north of Tampa.  The dog and I were on our own until yesterday. And the house is still standing.  Not much going on this weekend... probably will check out a few yard sales.  Lareina is enjoying her new job in Waltham.  Mike is starting to get a little desperate finding work.  He got a feeler to do the editing for the Antiques Road Show program. Cross your fingers." 

John smiled, "I signed my retirement papers.... 42 days and counting (that is, if I were counting)!" John also broke bread with his sister Jean who notes, "I enjoyed a retirement lunch with John and Michael (the retiree and the new dad)."   

Newlywed Christine of the Southwest Conference wrote, "While you all have been busy, Robert and I have been settling into married life, recovering from a wonderful Mother's Day New Mexico Symphony Orchestra at the Rio Grande Zoo with all of the in-laws, and I just received a kind-of promotion at work (more news to follow)."   

And Christine's new mother-in-law Doris was busier than Barbara "doing my civic duty.... and maintaining my good health...in other words ...going to the gym and volunteering...also volunteering for the Santa Fe Opera who did a workshop for middle school students in Albuquerque...So that was two mornings shot at the gym and three days shot volunteering...what do you think we're doing.... sitting here and picking lint out of our navels? Yesterday Bob and I and Chris and Robert and a friend of ours went to see the touring company of "Chicago," then went to the Macaroni Grill to celebrate Christine's birthday on the 27th.... at which time we will be at another party.... it’s a mad whirl out here...I have to keep a calendar with me at all times so dates don't collide!"

Granddad Dick exclaimed, "I can't top any of that stuff -- Kyler -- what a guy!  I spent two days driving all over Suffolk County looking for culverts (small bridges) -- drove 300 miles, walked about 5 miles, took two ferries (Shelter Island), visited Montauk Point and Amityville, and found a lot of ticks. I actually enjoyed the work. The weekend sounds just as exciting.  Betty will spend a few hours with us between her "Nationally Renowned" big shots. 

And in the week's topper was Kyler who "pooped on the toilet," as his mom Meg proudly announced. And Kyler's aunt Dorothy gleefully confirmed the achievement. "I was there and witnessed the poopie," she declared! (Yep, Dick, that is pretty hard to top.)