What's New?

You might be noticing a few changes here at the DoTP/AWC. This is due to the fact that the webmistress(Lyra) has gotten her act together. Here's a list of the new features at this domain:

1. Each gallery has been updated. I am, at the moment, working on getting pictures of both Robia and Elizabeth in different film appearances.
2. This site is expanding! I'm adding character synopses, links, a Jenny Calendar webring, and a Book of Shadows. I've also added a reading list.

I haven't forgotten the Encyclopedia of Demonology, but I haven't had time to begin construction. Right now I'm working on gathering info about Gypsies for the DoTP. I'm also partaking in community service in my area, as well as at my homepage.

I hope you will come back regularly! Bye bye for now!

Domain of the Techno-Pagan
Amy's Web Cauldron
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