Making the System Work

To live the almost garbage-free lifestyle, it's a must to follow a system of waste management. If you get this system happenning in your home or work, you'll be able to do it.

First, you'll need a few garbage containers. One has to be for garbage you can't avoid, like feminine products, plastic wraps you can't avoid from CD's and tapes, and if you live in a city where you can't compost, old food. It's necessary to use paper bags with this. If the food you have to throw away is wet, let it dry out on the counter first, or strain it over your sink. You can also double-up your paper bags. The second container is for recyclables, however, you may want more than one container for them. In some cities, recyclable bins are given and you don't have to separate glass, plastic, or aluminium. Use a paper bag here also. The last container you would need is for compost. I can understand where some people may not be able to have this one, but if you're a gardner or would like to be one, this is a prime way to get fertile soil.

You have to use your shopping smarts in order to live pollution-free. Don't buy products that aren't recyclable or biodegradable.

As you can see, the system doesn't require much at all. With this system, along with your shopping knowledge, you'll be able to almost entirely eliminate your garbage output. And if you can't, you'll at least get rid of products that aren't biodegradable.

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