Why I Think This Is Important

I can observe at lunch about ten kids at every table throwing away a styrofoam plate, two plastic utensils, and a plastic wrapper everyday. At least 2,500 kids go to my school. The worst part is the fact that no one cares. It hurts me to think that people are so clueless, and even more so if they do it deliberately. You have to care about these things. We need to do something about this. You can't ignore the blatant pollution you partake in everyday; and if you do, well, you're being a pretty selfish person. Have you ever thought about your future children or grandchildren, and what they're going to have to deal with when they're your age and surrounded with landfills instead of playgrounds? Or have you ever thought about the animals you're inconveniencing with your fudge round wrappers while we speak ? If we continue to pollute the way we do right now, there'll be no land to build new houses, schools, etc. It's just stupid, if you think about it. Deep down everyone knows it's wrong. Do you really think it's our place to leave our garbage in some other animal's nest? Take responsibility for yourself.

If you agree with me, you should. And if you don't, then I don't percieve you to have much self-control, or respect.

One Person Can Make A Difference