Survivors of Abusive Religion
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I put my hand in yours
and together we can do
what we could never do alone.
No longer is there a sense of hopelessness.
No longer must we depend upon
our own unsteady willpower.
We are all together now,
reaching out for power and strength
greater than ours.
And as we join together,
We find love and understanding
Beyond our wildest dreams.




Everyone connected in any way to the ex-cult member can be helpful, and even the brief encounter at a party or on a bus ride can be supportive. 

Supporting is listening to and empathizing with the ex-cult member without judgment and without the offering of unsolicited opinions (i.e. "I never would have listened to them".) 

Simply being there is one of the best ways you can help.

- Contributed

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    Updated Dec. 2000